Karl Vögeli

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Karl Vögeli (* 1942 ) is a Swiss journalist .

Vögeli studied German at the University of Zurich . He then worked as an editor at the Swiss dispatch agency , head of the local editorial office for the Berner Tagblatt and a federal journalist for Blick .

In 1978 Vögeli replaced Roger Schawinski as editor-in-chief of the newspaper Die Tat , which led to a strike that led to the end of this newspaper. Then he was head of the new media department at the Federation of Migros Cooperatives , technical editor-in-chief of Migros Presse and journalistic and publishing director of Coop Presse .

From 2005 to 2015, Vögeli headed Vögeli Medienconsulting GmbH and gave lectures.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Profiles of Karl Vögeli at OpusOne and politik – digital Switzerland .