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Kassandane (* before 567 BC ; † March 537 BC ) was the wife of the Persian king Cyrus II.


Kassandane was the daughter of the Achaemenid Pharnaspes and sister of Otanes . She married Cyrus II and had two sons and probably three daughters with him: Cambyses II , Bardiya and Atossa , an unnamed daughter and probably Artystone . Cyrus II felt such a deep love for his wife that after her death he exhorted all subjects to hold funeral services. According to the Nabonaid Chronicle , in Babylon because of the "death of the king's wife" (probably means Kassandane) from March 29 to April 4, 537 BC. A state mourning decreed.


Notes and individual references

  1. Date of death according to the cuneiform Nabonaid Chronicle
  2. so W. Hinz, RLA, Vol. 6, p. 402; M. Dandamayev (see lit.), p. 62, allows Kassandane only two daughters.
  3. maybe her name was Roxane
  4. Herodotus 2: 1; 3, 2
  5. Herodotus 2, 1
  6. According to the Nabonaid Chronicle from Adar 27 to Nisan 3 . In the proleptic Julian calendar of 537 BC The 27th Adar fell on April 5th and the beginning of spring on March 28th. In conversion to today's Gregorian calendar, 7 days must therefore be deducted. Calculations according to Jean Meeus: Astronomical Algorithms - Applications for Ephemeris Tool 4,5 - , Barth, Leipzig 2000 and Ephemeris Tool 4,5 conversion program .