Klaus Gaber

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Klaus Gaber (born June 19, 1943 in Bad Wilsnack ) is a German politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) and former member of the Saxon state parliament .


Research Institute Manfred von Ardenne (Zeppelinstrasse 7 in Oberloschwitz )

Klaus Gaber attended the polytechnic high school in Bad Wilsnack, where he was born, where he also graduated from high school . He then completed a practical year in the cellulose and viscose wool plant in Wittenberge . This was followed by a degree in electrical engineering with a specialization in high-frequency and semiconductor technology at the Technical University of Dresden . He finished his studies in 1968 with a diploma.

In 1968 he became a scientific group leader at the Manfred von Ardenne Research Institute . He was employed there until German unification and from 1991 worked at a research institute for electron beam and plasma technology.


Before the autumn of 1989, Klaus Gaber had no political functions besides church work. Since 1977 he has been a member of basic church groups, in the church research center in Wittenberg , in the ecological working group of the Dresden church districts and in other groups. From October 1989 to May 1990 he was involved in the Group of 20 and was a member of the grassroots democratic faction in the Dresden City Council from February to May 1990.

In October 1990 he was elected to the Saxon state parliament for the Green Party and was a member of the Alliance 90 / Greens parliamentary group. In 1991 he became a founding member of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in Saxony . Looking back on the merger, he said in a speech on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the regional association on November 25, 2006:

“We were different, from our origins and organization and the groups behind us, too. All the greater is the performance to bundle the different interests, to overcome political competition and jealousy and to create a sustainable political citizens' movement in Saxony with Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, which became the pioneer of the federal party Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen. "

In parliament he sat for his group in the Environment Committee and in the Committee on Construction and Transport and was group chairman from 1993 to 1994 . In the 1994 state elections , he ran for second place in his party's list, but retired from the state because the Greens failed to pass the five percent hurdle . From 1994 to 2001 he was the mayor for the environment and local government of the state capital Dresden.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ 15 years of Alliance 90 / The Greens in Saxony