Krzysztof Bosak

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Krzysztof Bosak (June 2020)

Krzysztof Bosak [ kʃɨʃtɔf bɔsak ] (* 13. June 1982 in Zielona Góra ) is a Polish and as a right-wing extremist applicable politicians . He is a member of the Polish House of Commons and a member of the Confederation for Freedom and Independence (KWN), a heterogeneous party that unites monarchists, libertarians, Euro-critics and nationalists.


During his school days, Bosak was a scout and practiced sports acrobatics and windsurfing . From 2001 to 2004 he studied architecture at the Technical University of Wroclaw and at the same time attended lectures in journalism at the controversial University for Social and Media Culture in Thorn . He then studied economics at the Warsaw School of Commerce until 2008 and, according to his own account, philosophy at a private university. He did not complete any of these courses.

At the age of 18, Bosak joined the All-Polish Youth , an anti-pluralist youth organization , which he chaired between 2005 and 2006. As early as 2001 he became a member of the League of Polish Families (LPR), a mainly nationalist and clerical party. In the parliamentary elections in Poland in 2005 , Bosak was first elected to the lower house on a list of the LPR. In 2007 he failed in re-election and a year later temporarily withdrew from politics.

From 2014 to 2018 he was a member of the National Movement (RN), a right-wing extremist party related to the historical organization Falanga, which was banned in 1934 . In the parliamentary elections in Poland in 2019 , Bosak, now as a member of the KWN, was able to return to the lower house via a list. The following year, Bosak applied as a candidate for KWN in the 2020 presidential election in Poland . With only 6.78 percent of the vote, however, he missed the run-off election that had become necessary. He then announced that he and his campaign committee would not support any of the candidates.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Independence Day in Poland - tens of thousands at the march of the right-wing extremists. In: ZDF. Retrieved June 8, 2020 .
  2. Konfederacja nie udzieli w drugiej turze poparcia żadnemu z kandydatów. In: Wyborcza. Retrieved June 28, 2020 .