Lacrimabili statu

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Lacrimabili statu (Latin: deplorable condition) is the title of an encyclical by Pope Pius X. It is dated June 7, 1912 and has the subtitle “About the Indians in South America”.

  • At the beginning, Pius X refers to the letter “Immensa pastorum” (1741), in which his predecessor Benedict XIV complained about the relationships with the native inhabitants of South America . In addition to this, he mentions the apostolic circulars In plurimis (1888) and Catholicae ecclesiae (1890) from Pope Leo XIII. Pius X criticized the renewed rise of bondage and slavery , the sale of women - even though slavery was forbidden. These new grievances are due to the lust for cruelty and greed. He expressly warns against further massacres of the Indians and the destruction of entire villages, which could lead to the extinction of the indigenous population as a possible consequence.
  • The Pope calls on the bishops and priests to protect themselves on the side of the oppressed; work should be offered and promoted in the dioceses . He sees another great task in the sending of missionaries who should regard willingness to help as their most sacred duty. The Christianity must be lived out exemplary and pastoral work needs to be done rather than just with words by deeds publicly.

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