List of political parties in Cameroon

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The list of political parties in Cameroon lists parties in Cameroon , with the French, English and German names. While there was a one-party system under the first Cameroonian President Ahmadou Ahidjo , a multi-party system was introduced in the 1990s under Paul Biya . The RDPC has been the ruling political party in the Republic of Cameroon without interruption. The largest opposition party is the SDF. The opposition parties are generally given few opportunities.

abbreviation French name English name German name
RDPC Rassemblement démocratique du Peuple Camerounais Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM) Democratic Assembly of the People of Cameroon
SDF Front social democrate Social Democratic Front (SDF) Social Democratic Front
CCP - Cameroon People's Party ( Kah Walla ) -

Other parties in alphabetical order:

abbreviation French name English name German name
ADD Alliance pour la Démocratie et le Développement Alliance for Democracy and Development Alliance for Democracy and Development
AMEC - Action for Meritocracy and Equal Opportunities -
CPNC - Cameroon People's National Convention -
DIC - Cameroon Integral Democracy -
FPUP - Popular Front for Unity and Peace -
JDP - Justice and Development Part -
KNC - Cameroon National Congress -
KNDP - Cameroon National Democratic Party -
KPP - Cameroon People's Party -
MANC - Cameroonian National Action Movement -
MANIDEM - African Movement for New Independence and Democracy -
MDI - Movement for Democracy and Interdependence -
MDP - Movement for Democracy and Progress -
MDR - Movement for the Defense of the Republic -
MEC Mouvement des Ecologistes du Cameroun Cameroon Ecological Movement (CEM) Ecological movement Cameroon
MLJC - Movement for the Liberation of Cameroonian Youth -
MNSD - Social Movement for New Democracy -
MP - Progressive Movement -
NPC-BUSH - Nationalism of Cameroonian Patriots -
OK - One Cameroon -
PDC Parti des democrates camerounais Cameroonian Party of Democrats (CPD) Cameroon Democratic Party
PDS - Party of Social Democracy -
PI - Independent peasants -
PPD - Popular Party for Development -
PSC - Socialist Party of Cameroon -
RDPC Rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (conservative) -
RFP - Rally of Patriotic Forces -
SDF Front social democrate Social Democratic Front Social democratic front
SLC - Social Liberal Congress -
UC Union Camerounaise Cameroon Union (CU) Cameroonian Union
UDC Union Démocratique du Cameroun Cameroon Democratic Union (CDU) Democratic Union of Cameroon
UFDC - Union of Democratic Forces in Cameroon -
UNC Union Nationale Camerounaise Cameroon National Union (CNU) National Cameroonian Union
UNDP Union Nationale pour la Démocratie et le Progrès National Union for Democracy and Progress National Union for Democracy and Progress
UPA - Union of African Populations -
UPC Union des Populations du Cameroun Union of the Peoples of Cameroon Union of the Peoples of Cameroon
