My brother and I

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Television broadcast
Original title My brother and I
Country of production Germany , Barbados , South Africa
original language German
Year (s) 2012-2014
length 6 minutes
Episodes 16 in 2 seasons
genre documentary
production Tonix Pictures GmbH i. A. of the SWR
first broadcast
August 12, 2013 on KiKA

Leo and Merla Schulze

Me and My Brother is a multi-part documentary series for preschoolers. It was created as a SWR commissioned production from 2013–2014 by TONIX Pictures GmbH. Two siblings Merla and Leo spend an exciting time in foreign countries - both in the exotic world of the Caribbean and in South Africa . Ten episodes of the first season were made in the Caribbean - in Barbados . The other six episodes are from the second season and were shot in South Africa.

In this pre-school documentary, the SWR cooperates with the Dutch broadcaster KRO , which produced 26 episodes of the series The Adventures of Buck and Tommy ( De Avonturen van Buck & Tommy ) between 2010 and 2012 . All episodes of the two series run alternately on the two channels KiKA and KRO - on the send path My brother and I .

Me and my brother in the Caribbean

The siblings Leo (9) and Merla (7) dive with turtles, discover paddling pools in dark caves and go with fishermen on the stormy seas at dawn. Together they find the courage to ride the waves on a surfboard or to survive the hot and exhausting everyday school life. Everything is a little easier with two people - even if they don't understand the language and have to deal with some surprises.

  1. When fishing: At the fish market and at the harbor, Merla and her brother Leo see how many different fish there are in the Caribbean Sea. They want to catch some too. A large fishing boat takes you to the stormy seas. Then you have to wait - until someone finally takes a bite!
  2. Swim with turtles: Merla and Leo would love to meet the wonderful big sea turtles. They dive underwater with their friend Brian and make more than one exciting discovery on the ocean floor.
  3. Who cracks the nut: How do you get the coconut off the palm? With the help of her friend Anton, Merla and her brother Leo harvest a fresh green coconut. Then the hard work really starts, but it's worth the effort.
  4. Out and about in the jungle: In Barbados, monkeys live in the jungle, just like the foxes in our country. Merla and Leo go on a search. They discover animals and eerie ruins in the dense jungle - can they find the monkeys too?
  5. At school: it looks chic: the school uniform in Barbados. But even if Merla and Leo look like the other children - because they don't understand the language, it's pretty difficult at school there. Nevertheless, you have a lot of fun at school, because many things are very different and, above all, more colorful than in Germany.
  6. Surfing: Merla and Leo want to learn to ride in the warm Caribbean sea - on waves. Your friend Brian shows you what to watch out for and takes you into the rushing waves. Will Leo and Merla really be surfing alone?
  7. The cave: Merla and Leo want to explore a cave deep in the jungle. "Catman" knows a hidden path and leads them deep underground. In addition to the creepy crawling animals, there is also a lively surprise waiting for them.
  8. Under water: Merla and Leo dive in a large submarine and discover not only fish, but also a real shipwreck. While snorkeling you can marvel at the fish up close. Beautiful!
  9. On a discovery tour: turtles and geckos right outside the front door and dangerously loud animals in the neighbour's garden. On their voyage of discovery, Merla and her brother encounter many animals that in Germany only exist in the zoo. But be careful: the monkeys are very naughty!
  10. Christmas in the Caribbean: It never snows in the Caribbean - but is there still a Santa Claus there? Merla and her brother Leo decorate their special Christmas tree and wait. But in the end they meet Santa Claus somewhere else.

My brother and I in South Africa

The siblings Leo (10) and Merla (7) experience exciting adventures in South Africa that pose many challenges. Leading an elephant by the trunk - is that possible? And how do you fry the largest egg in the world? Fortunately, everything is a little easier with two people. B. learn to dance in the Xhosa village with the South African children. When there is a shark alarm and a bathing ban on the beach, Merla and Leo even dare to step into the ice-cold water. In a floating cage, they come within a few centimeters of the largest predators in the sea. With goosebumps guarantee!

  1. The largest bird in the world: how does it feel when an ostrich picks a grain from the head? Leo and Merla get really close to the largest bird in the world. And finally, they are even lucky to find: a large ostrich egg lies in the nest. Does it even fit in a pan?
  2. The Bay of Penguins: Although it is warm in South Africa, Merla and Leo discover cute little penguins right on the beach. With helpers from the penguin hospital, they get even closer: what does the shiny plumage feel like?
  3. With pachyderms: elephants and crocodiles are really no cuddly toys, but Merla and Leo dare to go very close. Can you actually lead an elephant by the trunk? And how strong is a baby crocodile - a completely new experience for the two adventurers.
  4. Visiting the Xhosa: What an exciting day: Merla and Leo are invited to a big party at the Xhosa. Here they experience a completely new world for a day: they try strange dishes, dance traditional dances with the children and even milk a goat themselves.
  5. Looking for clues in the wilderness: Only those who can read clues can see really wild animals in the African savannah. Together with the ranger Rian, Leo and Merla go on a search. And indeed: zebras, monkeys and antelopes can spot them. But where is the giraffe hiding?
  6. With sharks in the water: Today you are not allowed to go swimming because you have seen a large shark near the shore! But Merla and Leo want to know exactly. What do the biggest predators of the sea look like up close? The children go diving in a steel cage: up close and personal with great white sharks.

Buck and Tommy's adventures in Suriname

The Adventures of Buck and Tommy in Suriname ( De Avonturen van Buck & Tommy in Suriname ) is a 10-part Dutch documentary from 2010 by the Dutch broadcaster KRO . This was followed by De Avonturen van Buck & Tommy op Skopelos (2011) and De Avonturen van Buck en Tommy in Vietnam (2012).

The two siblings Buck and Tommy drive the jeep deep into the jungle. There is a camp there from which you can explore the jungle. They meet their friend Robin, who is very knowledgeable. With him, the two discover exciting animals, go swimming, take a river trip and even a night hike. Together they roam an unknown and beautiful country: Suriname. On the beach you can see sea turtles and watch them lay their eggs, but there is also a lot to discover in the town of Paramaribo. There are still many Indian tribes in Suriname. Buck and Tommy visit Bigi Poika, a village deep in the jungle. The two boys also help with the banana harvest, visit the howler monkeys and see dolphins in the Suriname River. In the ten episodes of the Dutch production, the children experience loads of adventurous and interesting things.

  1. In the jungle: Buck and Tommy drive the jeep deep into the jungle. There is a camp there from which you can explore the jungle. They meet their friend Robin, who is very knowledgeable. With him, the two discover exciting animals, go swimming, take a river trip and even a night hike.
  2. With the turtles: Buck and Tommy are on the beach and meet Ed. Ed tells them about the giant sea turtles that come here to lay their eggs. At night he returns to the beach with them - and indeed, Buck and Tommy watch a turtle lay its eggs and bury them in the sand.
  3. In town: Today Buck and Tommy are out and about in town. It's called Paramaribo and there's a lot to discover. Buck and Tommy are amazed at the palm trees and the beautiful old houses. But they also experience that there are people here who are not doing well and who cannot afford apartments.
  4. With the Indians: There are still many Indian tribes in Suriname. Buck and Tommy visit Bigi Poika, a village deep in the jungle. The children in the village have no school today and plenty of time to play with Buck and Tommy. Together they go to their favorite spot, a swimming area on the nearby jungle river.
  5. River Dolphins : There are dolphins in the Suriname River. Buck and Tommy are on a boat trip to find her. On the way they meet anglers on a sandbar who show them their catch and shrimp fishermen who they help dry the crabs in the sun. And at the end of the trip, they actually meet the dolphins that come very close to their boat.
  6. In the hut village: This time Buck and Tommy visit a special village. Here people live in wooden huts that they have built themselves. There are many people in Suriname who live like this. Buck and Tommy spend the day in the village and go with them to the river, which is vital for the people here. Here people wash, wash and bathe. And the children of the village catch fish for dinner.
  7. Coconut and bananas: Buck and Tommy help with the banana harvest. You are on a banana plantation and see how the fruits grow and are harvested here. During the break, Eddi, the plantation worker, shows them how to open a coconut to quench their thirst with coconut milk. Back at home, Buck and Tommy can try out what they learned from Eddi. They also have a coconut palm in their garden.
  8. At the market: Buck and Tommy visit a large market in Suriname with their friend Soelami. You can buy everything you can imagine here. Some of the stuff Buck and Tommy have never seen before. There are also live chickens for sale and live crabs, the favorite food of many Suriname people.
  9. With the howler monkeys: Ed takes Buck and Tommy up into the mountains. There you can see howler monkeys if you are lucky. The way is long and there are many exciting things to discover - a waterfall for bathing or tarantulas. At night in the hut you can hear the howler monkeys roaring, but you can't see them. The next day Buck and Tommy have almost given up hope of finding any more when Ed makes a discovery in the trees ...
  10. In the swamp of the caimans: Buck and Tommy row with Robin in the swamp. There are caimans - small crocodiles. Robin is very knowledgeable about crocodiles and knows where to find them. Suddenly Robin gets out of the canoe and wades through the swamp towards the reeds. Buck and Tommi are amazed when Robin brings them a real caiman - caught with their bare hands.

Buck and Tommy's adventures in Vietnam

The Adventures of Buck and Tommy in Vietnam ( De Avonturen van Buck en Tommy in Vietnam ) is an 8-part Dutch documentary from 2012 by the Dutch broadcaster KRO .

  1. On the floating market: Buck and Tommy visit a market on the river. Here are all the stalls on boats. The brothers get to know interesting people there and help with their work. Finally, it goes to the best stand on the market: the candy stand.
  2. Out and about by bike: Buck and Tommy cycle through Vietnam on a tandem. First they visit the shipbuilders and then an artisan who fits clamshells into wood, creating beautiful works of art. Last but not least, Buck and Tommy are allowed to help make bricks out of bank clay.
  3. In the dunes: There are large dunes in Vietnam. There is sand everywhere as far as the eye can see. Buck and Tommy meet Tan and Boy. The two show them how to go sledding on plastic mats on the dunes. And then there's a special surprise for Buck and Tommy. You can race through the dunes with a real quad, a sand buggy.
  4. By boat into the cave: Buck and Tommy want to get to know the famous caves of Vietnam. The way there is exciting. You will take a boat up the river, past water buffalo.
  5. War: Thien is Bucks and Tommy's guide today. He takes them to places that are reminiscent of the terrible war that ended in Vietnam a good 30 years ago.
  6. Climbing the rock face: Buck and Tommy go on a climbing tour. The climbing rocks are located in the most beautiful landscape of Vietnam. With the kayak it goes through shallow sea water. The huge rocks stand like mushrooms here in the sea.
  7. Eating on the street: The Vietnamese love good food. There are food stalls everywhere in the capital Hanoi . Buck and Tommy can't stop being amazed. Giant crabs are on offer here, fried grasshoppers, and even snake soup and crocodile meat.
  8. Elephant village: Buck and Tommy are on their way to the elephant village by moped taxi. There they get to know the elephant Sen. Buck and Tommy take a trip on it.

Buck and Tommy's adventures on Skopelos

The Adventures of Buck and Tommy on Skopelos ( De Avonturen van Buck & Tommy op Skopelos ) is an 8-part Dutch documentary from 2011 by the Dutch broadcaster KRO .

  1. Honey bees: Buck and Tommy accompany Spyros, the beekeeper, during the honey harvest. You explore the honeycombs and even find the queen bee. Then the two of them can help with the spinning and try the honey. Delicious!
  2. Lonely island: There are many uninhabited, lonely islands in Greece. Buck and Tommy go on a discovery tour. You imagine how shipwrecked people feel and then write a message in a bottle yourself.
  3. Out and about with the goat herd: Buck and Tommy are out with goatherds. The goats have to be milked and Buck and Tommy are allowed to help with the milking.
  4. Fire brigade operations: Buck and Tommy are allowed to be part of a fire brigade exercise. They get real helmets, ride in the largest fire engine on the island and are allowed to spray hard with the hose.
  5. Seals in sight: Daphne goes on a seal safari with Buck and Tommy. But the seals are not easy to find. Eventually they discover the rare animals and they even snorkel very close to them.
  6. On the back of a donkey: Buck and Tommy go on a trip on the donkeys Beba and Arapizza. The donkeys are almost always hungry. On the back of a donkey they visit a shipbuilder and a potter.
  7. At the sailing school: Buck and Tommy are shown what to watch out for when sailing. And that's quite a lot, because sailing is not without its dangers. After all, they are allowed to sail out to sea alone.
  8. Fishing: Buck and Tommy want to dive and catch fish with the harpoon. Your boat has a radar that shows you where there are fish in the water.


All episodes are made available on the Internet as video on demand after they have been broadcast. The website belongs to the SWR children's network .


“The new documentary series for preschoolers shows how the siblings cope with the unfamiliar everyday life in the Caribbean. Because in addition to many exciting and great things, the new environment also holds a lot of challenges. Above all, the language is an obstacle for the children. But everything is easier with two people and so they quickly find friends with childlike curiosity and without any fear of contact. "



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