Michał Tarkowski

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Michał Tarkowski (born July 11, 1946 in Warsaw ) is a Polish actor, cabaret artist, screenwriter and director.

Tarkowski received a diploma from the Faculty of Architecture of Politechnika Warszawska in 1974 and graduated from the Directing Department of the State University of Film, Television and Theater Łódź in 1979 . In 1969 he founded the Cabaret Salon Niezależnych (Independent Salon) with Janusz Weiss and Jacek Kleyff .

In the following years he mainly worked as a film actor, but also made several documentary films as a screenwriter and director. 2003–04 he performed the play Kinoteatrzyk Jacka Kleyffa i Michała Tarkowskiego at the Warsaw Studio Theater with the Orkiestra Na Zdrowie . In 2011 he was awarded the Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta award

Filmography (selection)

  • 1973: Illumination (Iluminacja)
  • 1975: The staff (Personel)
  • 1976: The Scar (Blizna)
  • 1977: The Marble Man (Człowiek z marmuru)
  • 1978: The Emcee (Wodzirej)
  • 2001: Louder than bombs (Głośniej od bomb)


Individual evidence

  1. POSTANOWIENIE PREZYDENTA RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ POLSKIEJ z dnia 16 sierpnia 2011 r. o nadaniu orderów Internetowy system Aktów Prawnych.