Michael Udow

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Michael William Udow (born March 10, 1949 in Detroit ) is an American percussionist , music teacher and composer .


As a child, Udow first had piano lessons before switching to percussion. He played as a teenager in the Wichita Youth Orchestra and studied from 1967 at the University of Illinois . He performed Ben Johnston's Knocking Piece (with Jocy de Oliveira ) and Morton Feldman's King of Denmark (with two dancers from Merce Cunningham's troupe) and received the BMI Student Composers Prize for his composition Seven Textural Settings of Japanese Haiku .

He then went to Poland as a Fulbright scholar and toured the USA with the Blackearth Percussion Group on his return . At the University of Illinois he continued his studies, which he graduated in 1978 as a Doctor of Musical Arts in the subject percussion. From 1968 to 2009 Udow was principal percussionist in the orchestra of the Santa Fe Opera , and from 1982 until his retirement in 2011 professor at the University of Michigan .

After his retirement, Udow turned to composition. His teachers as a composer include Warren Benson , Herbert Brün , Edwin London , Thomas Fredrickson , Paul Steg and Wlodzimierz Kotoński , and he is also influenced by Salvatore Martirano , Ben Johnston , Gordon Binkerd , Morgan Powell and Neely Bruce . In addition to two operas ( The Shattered Mirror and Twelve Years a Slave ) he composed orchestral works (including a concerto for percussion), film scores, chamber music and works for solo instruments,

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