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night criticism culture network non-profit GmbH
legal form Profit company
founding 2007
Seat Berlin
management Esther Slevogt (Management), Nikolaus Merck
Website is a German internet portal for theater criticism and theater reporting.

history was founded in May 2007 by the freelance journalists Petra Kohse, Esther Slevogt, Nikolaus Merck and Dirk Pilz and the artist Konrad von Homeyer as an independent theater column in the online area. All of the critics were previously active in national daily newspapers and specialist magazines such as Theater heute and Theater der Zeit and still work for print media such as Berliner Zeitung , taz or Neue Zürcher Zeitung .

The trigger for the foundation of was the creeping marginalization of the genre theater criticism in the print section since the turn of the millennium and the associated loss of job opportunities for theater critics. As Esther Slevogt told dctp-TV , the so-called "spiral notebook affair" about the critic of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Gerhard Stadelmaier , the director Sebastian Hartmann and his actor Thomas Lawinky was a signal stimulus to participate in the founding of the portal . In the conflict about the form of interaction theater shown there, the problem of a judicial understanding of criticism closed to exchange had also become visible. In contrast to this, they wanted to open up the “one-way criticism” (Slevogt) for counter-criticism from theaters and readers on the free forum area on

The currently ten-person editorial team at is based in Berlin . The reporting from German-speaking Switzerland, Austria and Germany is done on site by freelance journalists. According to the website, the number of visits amounts to approx. 399,703 visits and 5,357,315 page views (PIs) per month. Source: AWStats. (As of March 2018). In 2009, was nominated for the Grimme Online Award .

Content publishes reviews of theater premieres in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland the morning after the premiere. In a supplementary press review , representative supraregional and local reviews of the performance in question will be summarized on the following days. sees itself as a theater column and also offers book reviews, essays, commentaries and articles on aesthetic and cultural-political debates in the field of theater and the performing arts. “Theaterbriefe” report on the non-German-speaking theater landscape. A glossary provides information about artists and important keywords from the theater sector.

All text contributions on can be commented on in an open, anonymous forum. reports irregularly on separate festival portals from Theatertreffen, for example in 2008, 2009 and 2010 from the Mülheimer Theatertage , in 2009 from the international Osnabrück festival “Spieltriebe3” and since 2012 from the Heidelberger Stückemarkt . Together with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin, has organized the annual conference “Theater and Network” since 2013.


"The site has developed into a place of the wild art fight," wrote Wolfgang Höbel in Der Spiegel No. 23/2009. receives criticism from the newspaper landscape primarily for its policy of an open forum, in which users can anonymously comment on theater events.

After initial reservations about the speed of theater reporting on, the review work of the site was classified as an established voice in the professional world soon after it was founded. "The supraregional newspapers have come up with serious, fast competition here," said Wilhelm Roth in the specialist journal Die Deutsche Bühne 01/2008. has been offering an app for Apple and Google operating systems since 2019. Users criticize, among other things, that the display is not optimized for mobile devices.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The spiral notebook affair . Esther Slevogt in conversation with Philipp Banse. Opinion makers. Retrieved February 6, 2011.
  2. On the "Spiral Notebook Affair" 2006 see: Thierry Chervel: Die Perlentaucher-Affäre or the FAZ as a weapon . July 10, 2007, accessed on February 6, 2011. - Gerhard Stadelmaier: Attack on a critic . FAZ.NET. February 18, 2006, accessed February 6, 2011.
  3. Wolfgang Höbel: "Am Marterpfahl" In: Der Spiegel, 23/2009
  4. Accessed January 12, 2020 (German).
  5. Night Review - Apps on Google Play. Retrieved January 12, 2020 .