National Book Award

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The National Book Award (NBA) is, alongside the Pulitzer Prize, the most prestigious literary prize in the United States and has been awarded since 1950. Since 1989, the award has been offered by the National Book Foundation , a non-profit organization founded specifically for this purpose .


The US $ 10,000 prize has been awarded annually since 1950; currently in the five categories for novels / short story collections , non-fiction , books of poetry , books for young people and translations . Before that there were a number of other categories, but these have gradually been abandoned. The winners of the first four categories must be US citizens and their work must be in English and published in the United States; the National Book Award for Translated Literature is intended to honor both the author and the translator of the excellent work.

Prizes awarded by the National Book Foundation:

category Original title awarded
Fiction National Book Award for Fiction 1950
Non-fiction National Book Award for Nonfiction 1950
Poetry National Book Award for Poetry 1950
youth book National Book Award for Young People's Literature 1996 (1969)
translation National Book Award for Translated Literature 2018

Furthermore, two prizes for life's work are awarded annually:

Selection process

The National Book Foundation nominates twenty independent judges each year, five for each category. Until 2012, the jury was limited to writers, since 2013 literary critics, librarians and booksellers can also be nominated as jury members. Each jury committee is presided over by a chairman who is available as a mouthpiece and as a contact for the National Book Foundation.

Every year in April, the publishers are invited to propose book titles for one of the four categories. The author must be a US citizen and the title must be published between December 1 of the previous year and November 30 of the current year ( self-publishers are only permitted if they also publish works by other authors). The titles have to be registered by the publishers by May 15th, and free copies of the corresponding free copies have to be sent to the Foundation and the jury members by July 1st. Over the summer, each jury panel reads the books submitted in their respective categories (1529 books were submitted for the National Book Award in 2017, including 394 in the fiction category , 553 in the non-fiction category , 245 in the poetry category and 337 in the youth book category ) . Since 2013, the jury has first put together a shortlist of ten titles per category (“longlist”), which will be published in mid-September. The longlist will be reduced to five final novels (“shortlist”) by mid-October. On the occasion of a “National Book Awards Ceremony and Benefit Dinner”, the jury committees will decide on the winners in New York in mid-November , each of whom will be honored with prize money of US $ 10,000 and a bronze sculpture. In addition, the authors of the five nominated works will each receive US $ 1,000, a medal and a special mention (“Citation”) on the evening before the award ceremony.

Each award winner is also made a permanent member of the National Book Foundation.


In response to the lack of consideration for representatives of minorities, the African-American author Ishmael Reed initiated the American Book Award in 1980 , which is presented by the Before Columbus Foundation .

Award winners

Category Fiction ( Fiction )

Saul Bellow (1954, 1965, 1971) was awarded three most wins , followed by John Cheever (1958, 1981), William Faulkner (1951, 1955), William Gaddis (1976, 1994), Bernard Malamud (1959, 1967) , Wright Morris (1957, 1981), Philip Roth (1960, 1995), John Updike (1964, 1982) and Jesmyn Ward (2011 and 2017).

Between 1980 and 1983, prizes for hardcover and paperback books were given separately.

year Award winners title German title
1950 Nelson Algren The Man With The Golden Arm The man with the golden arm
1951 William Faulkner The Collected Stories of William Faulkner stories
1952 James Jones From Here to Eternity Damn to all eternity
1953 Ralph Ellison Invisible Man The invisible man
1954 Saul Bellow The Adventures of Augie March The Adventures of Augie March
1955 William Faulkner A fable A legend
1956 John O'Hara Ten North Frederick Pride and sorrow
1957 Wright Morris The Field of Vision
1958 John Cheever The Wapshot Chronicle The dear Wapshots / The Wapshots
1959 Bernard Malamud The Magic Barrel The magic barrel
1960 Philip Roth Goodbye, Columbus Goodbye, Columbus
1961 Conrad Richter The Waters of Kronos
1962 Walker Percy The Moviegoer The cinema-goer
1963 JF Powers Morte D'Urban God's scriptures are difficult to read
1964 John Updike The Centaur The centaur
1965 Saul Bellow duke duke
1966 Katherine Anne Porter The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter
1967 Bernard Malamud The fixer The fixer
1968 Thornton Wilder The Eighth Day The eighth day of creation
1969 Jerzy Kosiński Steps From the fires
1970 Joyce Carol Oates Them Those
1971 Saul Bellow Mr. Collector's Planet Mr. Collector's Planet
1972 Flannery O'Connor The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor
1973 John Barth Chimera
John Williams Augustus Augustus
1974 Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow The ends of the parabola
Isaac Bashevis Singer A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories The East Broadway Kabbalist
1975 Robert Stone Dog Soldiers Among devils
Thomas Williams The Hair of Harold Roux
1976 William Gaddis JR JR
1977 Wallace Stegner The Spectator Bird The night of the lapwing
1978 Mary Lee Settle Blood ties
1979 Tim O'Brien Going After Cacciato Tracking
1980 John Irving (Paperback) The World According to Garp Garp and how he saw the world
William Styron (hardcover) Sophie's Choice Sophie's choice / Sophie's decision
1981 John Cheever (Paperback) The Stories of John Cheever The Swimmer / Marcie Flint's Trouble
Wright Morris (hardcover) Plains song
1982 William Maxwell (Paperback) So Long, See You Tomorrow See you tomorrow
John Updike (hardcover) Rabbit is rich Better relationships
1983 Alice Walker (hardcover) The Color Purple The colour purple
Eudora Welty (Paperback) Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
1984 Ellen Gilchrist Victory Over Japan: A Book of Stories
1985 Don DeLillo White noise White noise / white noise
1986 EL Doctorow World's Fair World exhibition
1987 Larry Heinemann Paco's story
1988 Pete Dexter Paris Trout Rabid / Paris Trout
1989 John Casey Spartina Dick Pierce's dream
1990 Charles Johnson Middle passage The passage
1991 Norman Rush Mating The measure
1992 Cormac McCarthy All the pretty horses All the beautiful horses
1993 E. Annie Proulx The Shipping News Ship reports
1994 William Gaddis A Frolic of His Own Last instance
1995 Philip Roth Sabbath's theater Sabbath's theater
1996 Andrea Barrett Ship Fever and Other Stories Ship fever
1997 Charles Frazier Cold Mountain On the way to Cold Mountain
1998 Alice McDermott Charming Billy Irish farewell
1999 Ha Jin Waiting Waiting
2000 Susan Sunday In America In America
2001 Jonathan Franzen The Corrections The corrections
2002 Julia Glass Three June
2003 Shirley Hazzard The great fire The big fire
2004 Lily Tuck The News from Paraguay The dictator's mistress / The French mistress
2005 William T. Vollmann Europe Central Europe Central
2006 Richard Powers The Echo Maker The echo of memory
2007 Denis Johnson Tree of Smoke A straight smoke
2008 Peter Matthiessen Shadow Country
2009 Colum McCann Let the Great World Spin The big world / The big world
2010 Jaimy Gordon Lord of Misrule The Lord of Chaos
2011 Jesmyn Ward Salvage the Bones Before the storm
2012 Louise Erdrich The Round House The house of the wind
2013 James McBride The Good Lord Bird Henry Shackleford's crazy diary
2014 Phil Klay Redeployment We shot dogs too
2015 Adam Johnson Fortune Smiles: Stories Nirvana
2016 Colson Whitehead The Underground Railroad Underground Railroad
2017 Jesmyn Ward Sing, Unburied, Sing Sing, you living and dead, sing
2018 Sigrid Nunez The Friend
2019 Susan Choi Trust Exercise

Category nonfiction ( Nonfiction )

Justin Kaplan (1967, 1981), George F. Kennan (1957, 1968), Peter Matthiessen (1979, 1980), David McCullough (1978, 1982), Arthur M. Schlesinger (1966, 1979) were awarded with two victories. and Lewis Thomas (1975, 1981).

Between 1964 and 1983, prizes were awarded separately for books according to subject area or hardcover and paperback format .

year Award winners title German title
1950 Ralph L. Rusk Ralph Waldo Emerson
1951 Newton Arvin Herman Melville
1952 Rachel Carson The Sea Around Us Secrets of the sea
1953 Bernard A. DeVoto The Course of Empire
1954 Bruce Catton A Stillness at Appomattox
1955 Joseph Wood Krutch The Measure of Man
1956 Herbert Kubly An American in Italy
1957 George F. Kennan Russia Leaves the War
1958 Catherine Drinker Bowen The Lion and the Throne
1959 J. Christopher Herold Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame De Stael Madame de Stae͏̈l
1960 Richard Ellmann James Joyce James Joyce
1961 William L. Shirer The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
1962 Lewis Mumford The City in History: Its Origins, its Transformations and its Prospects The town
1963 Leon Edel Henry James, Vol. II: The Conquest of London
Henry James, Vol. III: The Middle Years
1964 Aileen Ward (Arts and Letters) John Keats: The Making of a Poet
William H. McNeill (History and Biography) The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community
Christopher Tunnard (Science, Philosophy and Religion) Man-made America
Boris Pushkarev (Science, Philosophy and Religion)
1965 Eleanor Clark (Arts and Letters) Oysters of Locmariaquer
Louis Fischer (History and Biography) The Life of Lenin The life of Lenin
Norbert Wiener (Science, Philosophy and Religion) God and Golem, Inc: A Comment on Certain Points where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion God & Golem, Inc.
1966 Janet Flanner (Arts and Letters) Paris Journal, 1944-1965 Paris Diary: 1945–1965
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr (History and Biography) A thousand days Kennedy's thousand days
1967 Justin Kaplan (Arts and Letters) Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: A Biography
Peter Gay (History and Biography) The Enlightenment, Vol. I: The Rise of Modern Paganism
Oscar Lewis (Science, Philosophy and Religion) La Vida La vida
1968 William Troy (Arts and Letters) Selected essays
George F. Kennan (History and Biography) Memoirs: 1925-1950 Memoirs of a Diplomat
Jonathan Kozol (Science, Philosophy and Religion) Death at an Early Age
1969 Norman Mailer (Arts and Letters) The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, The Novel as History Armies out of the night
Winthrop D. Jordan (History and Biography) White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812
Robert J. Lifton (The Sciences) Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima
1970 Lillian Hellman (Arts and Letters) An Unfinished Woman: A Memoir An unfinished woman
T. Harry Williams (History and Biography) Huey Long
Erik H. Erikson (Philosophy and Religion) Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence Gandhi's truth
1971 Francis Steegmuller (Arts and Letters) Cocteau: A Biography
James MacGregor Burns (History and Biography) Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom
Raymond Phineas Stearns (The Sciences) Science in the British Colonies of America
1972 Charles Rosen (Arts and Letters) The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven The classic style
Joseph P. Lash (Biography) Eleanor and Franklin: The Story of Their Relationship, Based on Eleanor Roosevelt's Private Papers
Stewart Brand (Contemporary Affairs) The Last Whole Earth Catalog
Allan Nevins (History) Ordeal of the Union, Vols. VII & VIII: The Organized War, 1863-1864 and The Organized War to Victory
Martin E. Marty (Philosophy and Religion) Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America
George L. Small (The Sciences) The Blue Whale
1973 Arthur M. Wilson (Arts and Letters) Diderot
James Thomas Flexner (Biography) George Washington, Vol. IV: Anguish and Farewell, 1793-1799
Frances FitzGerald (Contemporary Affairs) Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam
Robert Manson Myers (History) The Children of Pride
Isaiah Trunk (History) Judenrat
Sydney E. Ahlstrom (Philosophy and Religion) A Religious History of the American People
George B. Schaller (The Sciences) The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations
1974 Pauline Kael (Arts and Letters) Deeper into the Movies
John Clive (Biography / History) Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian
Douglas Day (Biography) Malcolm Lowry: A Biography
Murray Kempton (Contemporary Affairs) The Briar Patch
Maurice Natanson (Philosophy and Religion) Edmund Husserl: Philosopher of Infinite Tasks
SE Luria (The Sciences) The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations Life, the unfinished experiment
1975 Roger Shattuck (Arts and Letters) Marcel Proust Marcel Proust
Lewis Thomas (Arts and Letters / The Sciences) The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher Life survived
Theodore Rosengarten (Contemporary Affairs) All God's Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw
Bernard Bailyn (History) The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson
Robert Nozick (Philosophy and Religion) Anarchy, State and Utopia Anarchy, state, utopia
Silvano Arieti (The Sciences) Interpretation of schizophrenia
1976 Paul Fussell (Arts and Letters) The Great War and Modern Memory
Michael J. Arlen (Contemporary Affairs) Passage to Ararat
David Brion Davis (History and Biography) The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1770-1823
1977 WA Swanberg (Biography and Autobiography) The Last Idealist
Bruno Bettelheim (Contemporary Thought) The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales Children need fairy tales
Irving Howe (History) World of Our Fathers
1978 W. Jackson Bate (Biography and Autobiography) Samuel Johnson
Gloria Emerson (Contemporary Thought) Winners & Losers
David McCullough (History) The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870-1914 They divided the earth
1979 Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr (Biography and Autobiography) Robert Kennedy and His Times
Peter Matthiessen (Contemporary Thought) The Snow Leopard On the trail of the snow leopard
Richard Beale Davis (History) Intellectual Life in the Colonial South, 1585-1763
1980 Lauren Bacall (Autobiography, hardcover) Lauren Bacall by Myself My life
Malcolm Cowley (Autobiography, Paperback) And I Worked at the Writer's Trade: Chapters of Literary History 1918–1978
Edmund Morris (Biography, Hardcover) The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
A. Scott Berg (Biography, Paperback) Max Perkins: Editor of Genius
Julia Child (Current Interest, Hardcover) Julia Child and More Company
Christopher Lasch (Current Interest, Paperback) The Culture of Narcissism The age of narcissism
Tom Wolfe (General Nonfiction, hardcover) The right stuff The heroes of the nation
Peter Matthiessen (General Nonfiction, Paperback) The Snow Leopard On the trail of the snow leopard
Elder Witt (General Reference Books, hardcover) The Complete Directory
Tim Brooks (General Reference Books, Paperback) The Complete Directory of Prime Time Network TV Shows: 1946-Present
Earle Marsh (General Reference Books, Paperback)
Henry A. Kissinger (History, hardcover) The White House Years memoirs
Barbara W. Tuchman (History, Paperback) A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century The distant mirror
Elaine Pagels (religion / inspiration, hardcover) The Gnostic Gospels Temptation through knowledge
Sheldon Vanauken (Religion / Inspiration, Paperback) A Severe Mercy A hard grace / What if it were true?
Douglas Hofstadter (Science, Hardcover) Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid Gödel, Escher, Bach - an endless braided band
Gary Zukav (Science, Paperback) The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics The dancing Wu-li masters
1981 Justin Kaplan (Autobiography / Biography, hardcover) Walt Whitman
Deirdre Bair (Autobiography / Biography, Paperback) Samuel Beckett
Maxine Hong Kingston (General Nonfiction, hardcover) China Men The sons of heaven
Jane Kramer (General Nonfiction, Paperback) The Last Cowboy
John Boswell (History, hardcover) Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality
Leon F. Litwak (History, Paperback) Been in the Storm so Long: The Aftermath of Slavery
Stephen Jay Gould (Science, hardcover) The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections on Natural History The panda's thumb
Lewis Thomas (Science, Paperback) The Medusa and the Snail The medusa and the snail
1982 David McCullough (Autobiography / Biography, hardcover) Mornings on Horseback
Ronald Steel (Autobiography / Biography, Paperback) Walter Lippmann and the American Century
Tracy Kidder (General Nonfiction, hardcover) The Soul of a New Machine The soul of a new machine
Victor S. Navasky (General Nonfiction, Paperback) Naming Names
Father Peter John Powell (History, Hardcover) People of the Sacred Mountain: A History of the Northern Cheyenne Chiefs and Warrior Societies, 1830-1879
Robert Wohl (History, Paperback) The Generation of 1914
Donald C. Johanson (Science, hardcover) The Beginnings of Humankind
Maitland A. Edey (Science, hardcover)
Fred Alan Wolf (Science, Paperback) Taking the Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Nonscientists The quantum leap is not witchcraft
1983 Judith Thurman (Autobiography / Biography, Hardcover) Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller Tania Blixen. Your life and work
James R. Mellow (Autobiography / Biography, Paperback) Nathaniel Hawthorne in His Times
Fox Butterfield (General Nonfiction, hardcover) China: Alive in the Bitter Sea
James Fallows (General Nonfiction, Paperback) National Defense
Alan Brinkley (History, hardcover) Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin and the Great Depression
Frank E. Manuel (History, Paperback) Utopian Thought in the Western World
Fritzie P. Manuel (History, Paperback)
Lisa Goldstein (Original Paperback) The Red Magician The rabbi and the magician
Abraham Pais (Science, hardcover) “Subtle is the Lord…”: The Science and Life of Albert Einstein "Lord God is clever ..."
Philip J. Davis (Science, Paperback) The Mathematical Experience Experience math
Reuben Hersh (Science, Paperback)
1984 Robert V. Remini Andrew Jackson & the Course of American Democracy, 1833-1845
1985 J. Anthony Lukas Common Ground: A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families
1986 Barry Lopez Arctic Dreams Arctic dreams
1987 Richard Rhode The Making of the Atom Bomb
1988 Neil Sheehan A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam The Big Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam
1989 Thomas L. Friedman From Beirut to Jerusalem From Beirut to Jerusalem
1990 Ron Chernow The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance
1991 Orlando Patterson Freedom
1992 Paul Monette Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story Coming out
1993 Gore Vidal United States: Essays 1952-1992
1994 Sherwin B. Nuland How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter How we die
1995 Tina Rosenberg The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism The revenge of history
1996 James Carroll An American Requiem: God, My Father, and the War that Came Between Us
1997 Joseph J. Ellis American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson
1998 Edward Ball Slaves in the Family The plantations on the Cooper River
1999 John W. Dower Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
2000 Nathaniel Philbrick In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex
2001 Andrew Solomon The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression Saturn's shadow
2002 Robert A. Caro Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson
2003 Carlos Eire Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy
2004 Kevin Boyle Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age
2005 Joan Didion The Year of Magical Thinking The year of magical thinking
2006 Timothy Egan The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl
2007 Tim Weiner Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA CIA: The whole story
2008 Annette Gordon-Reed The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family
2009 TJ Stiles The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
2010 Patti Smith Just kids Just kids
2011 Stephen Greenblatt The Swerve: How the World Became Modern The turn
2012 Katherine Boo Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity Annawadi or The Dream of Another Life / Slum
2013 George Packer The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America The transaction
2014 Evan Osnos Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China Big ambitions
2015 Ta-Nehisi Coates Between the World and Me Between me and the world
2016 Ibram X. Kendi Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America Branded
2017 Masha Gessen The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia
2018 Jeffrey C. Stewart The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke
2019 Sarah M. Broom The Yellow House

Category lyric ( poetry )

Were awarded with two wins most AR Ammons (1973, 1993), Alan Dugan (1962, 2001), Philip Levine (1980, 1991), James Merrill (1967, 1979), Theodore Roethke (1959, 1965) and Wallace Stevens ( 1951, 1955).

No prize was awarded between 1984 and 1990.

year Award winners title German title
1950 William Carlos Williams The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia
1951 Wallace Stevens The Auroras of Autumn
1952 Marianne Moore Collected poems
1953 Archibald MacLeish Collected Poems, 1917-1952
1954 Conrad Aiken Collected poems
1955 Wallace Stevens The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens The poems of our climate
1956 WH Auden The Shield of Achilles
1957 Richard Wilbur Things of the World
1958 Robert Penn Warren Promises: Poems, 1954-1956
1959 Theodore Roethke Words for the wind
1960 Robert Lowell Life Studies
1961 Randall Jarrell The Woman at the Washington Zoo
1962 Alan Dugan Poems
1963 William Stafford Traveling through the dark
1964 John Crowe Ransomware Traveling through the dark
1965 Theodore Roethke The Far Field
1966 James Dickey Buckdancer's Choice: Poems
1967 James Merrill Nights and Days
1968 Robert Bly The Light Around the Body
1969 John Berryman His Toy, His Dream, His Rest
1970 Elizabeth Bishop The Complete Poems
1971 Mona Van Duyn To see, to take
1972 Howard Moss Selected Poems
Frank O'Hara The Collected Works of Frank O'Hara
1973 AR Ammons Collected Poems, 1951-1971
1974 Allen Ginsberg The Fall of America: Poems of these States, 1965-1971 The Fall of America: Poems 1965–1971
Adrienne Rich Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972
1975 Marilyn Hacker Presentation piece
1976 John Ashbery Self-portrait in a convex mirror Self-portrait in the convex mirror
1977 Richard Eberhart Collected Poems, 1930-1976
1978 Howard Nemerov The Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov
1979 James Merrill Mirabell: Book of Numbers
1980 Philip Levine Ashes
1981 Lisel Mueller The need to hold still Voices from the forest
1982 William Bronk Life Supports: New and Collected Poems
1983 Galway Kinnell Selected Poems
Charles Wright Country Music: Selected Early Poems
Prize not awarded
1991 Philip Levine What Work Is
1992 Mary Oliver New & Selected Poems
1993 AR Ammons Garbage
1994 James Tate A Worshipful Company of Fletchers
1995 Stanley Kunitz Passing Through: The Later Poems
1996 Hayden Carruth Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey, Poems 1991-1995
1997 William Meredith Effort at Speech: New & Selected Poems
1998 Gerald Stern This Time: New and Selected Poems
1999 Ai Vice: New & Selected Poems
2000 Lucille Clifton Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000
2001 Alan Dugan Poems Seven: New and Complete Poetry
2002 Ruth Stone In the Next Galaxy
2003 CK Williams The Singing
2004 Jean Valentine Door in the Mountain: New and Collected Poems, 1965-2003
2005 WS Merwin Migration: New and Selected Poems
2006 Nathaniel Mackey Splay Anthem
2007 Robert Hass Time and Materials
2008 Mark Doty Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems
2009 Keith Waldrop Transcendental Studies: A Trilogy
2010 Terrance Hayes Lighthead
2011 Nikky Finney Head Off & Split
2012 David Ferry Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations
2013 Mary Szybist Incarnadine
2014 Louise lucky Faithful and Virtuous Night
2015 Robin Coste Lewis Voyage of the Sable Venus
2016 Daniel Borzutzky The Performance of Becoming Human
2017 Frank Bidart Half-light: Collected Poems 1965-2016
2018 Justin Phillip Reed Indecency
2019 Arthur Sze Sight Lines

Category YA ( Young People's Literature )

The National Book Award for young people's books (National Book Award for Young People's Literature) has been awarded since 1996th Previously, from 1969 to 1983 a prize for Children's Books had been awarded.

The two most popular awards for children's books were Lloyd Alexander (1971, 1982) and Katherine Paterson (1977, 1979).

Between 1980 and 1983, prizes were also awarded separately for children's non-fiction and picture books or for hardcover and paperback formats .

year Award winners title German title
Best children's book
1969 Avoids DeJong Journey from Peppermint Street
1970 Isaac Bashevis Singer A Day of Pleasure: Stories of a Boy Growing up in Warsaw A childhood in Warsaw
1971 Lloyd Alexander The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian Sebastian's wondrous adventures
1972 Donald Barthelme The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine or The Hithering Thithering Djinn Mathilda and the fire department, which wasn't quite what it should be
1973 Ursula K. LeGuin The Farthest Shore The distant shore
1974 Eleanor Cameron The Court of the Stone Children
1975 Virginia Hamilton MC Higgins the Great MC Higgins, the great / MC Higgins, the great
1976 Walter D. Edmonds Bert Breen's Barn
1977 Katherine Paterson The Master Puppeteer Puppeteers and bandits
1978 Judith Kohl The View From the Oak With the eyes of a bee
Herbert Kohl
1979 Katherine Paterson The Great Gilly Hopkins Gilly Hopkins
1980 Joan W. Blos (hardcover) A Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's Journal
Madeleine L'Engle (Paperback) A Swiftly Tilting Planet Through time and space
1981 Betsy Byars (fiction, hardcover) The Night Swimmers The mysterious moonlit night
Beverly Cleary (Fiction, Paperback) Ramona and Her Mother Through time and space
Alison Cragin Herzig (Nonfiction, Hardcover) Oh boy Babies So i like babies
Jane Lawrence Mali (Nonfiction, Hardcover)
1982 Lloyd Alexander (fiction, hardcover) Westmark Westmark
Ouida Sebestyen (Fiction, Paperback) Words by Heart
Susan Bonners (Nonfiction) A penguin year
Maurice Sendak (Picture Books, Hardcover) Outside Over There When papa was gone
Peter Spier (Picture Books, Paperback) Noah's Ark Noah's ark in pictures
1983 Jean Fritz (fiction, hardcover) Homesick: My Own Story Little heart in China
Paula Fox (Fiction, Paperback) A place apart
Joyce Carol Thomas (Fiction, Paperback) Marked by Fire
James Cross Giblin (Non-Fiction) Chimney sweeps
Barbara Cooney (Picture Books, hardcover) Miss Rumphius The lupine woman
William Steig (Picture Books, Hardcover) Doctor De Soto Doctor De Soto
Mary Ann Hoberman (Picture Books, Paperback) A house is a house for me
Betty Fraser (Illustrator) (Picture Books, Paperback)
No prizes are awarded for books for children or young people
Best youth book
1996 Victor Martinez Parrot In the Oven: Mi Vida The parrot in the oven
1997 Han Nolan Dancing on the Edge
1998 Louis Sachar Holes Holes
1999 Kimberly Willis Holt When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Summer blues
2000 Gloria Whelan Homeless bird
2001 Virginia Euwer Wolff True Believer Believe in it
2002 Nancy Farmer The House of the Scorpion The scorpion house
2003 Polly Horvath The canning season The blueberry summer
2004 Pete Hautman Godless
2005 Jeanne Birdsall The Penderwicks The Penderwicks
2006 MT Anderson The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Vol. 1: The Pox Party
2007 Sherman Alexia The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian
2008 Judy Blundell What I Saw and How I Lied The lies we told
2009 Phillip Hoose Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice
2010 Kathryn Erskine Mockingbird Black and white has many colors
2011 Thanhha Lai Inside Out & Back Again
2012 William Alexander Goblin Secrets
2013 Cynthia Kadohata The Thing About Luck
2014 Jacqueline Woodson Brown Girl Dreaming
2015 Neal Shusterman Challenger Deep
2016 John Lewis March: Book Three
Andrew Aydin
Nate Powell (artist)
2017 Robin Benway Far from the tree
2018 Elizabeth Acevedo The Poet X
2019 Martin W. Sandler 1919 - The Year That Changed America

Category Translation ( Translated Literature )

A prize for translated literature was awarded for the first time from 1967 to 1983, although the translated author may have already died, for example a Casanova translation was awarded in 1967. Another translation award was awarded in 2018, with the award now being restricted to living authors (and translators).

year translator author title
1967 Gregory Rabassa Julio Cortazar Hopscotch
Willard Trask Casanova History of My Life (first volume of 6)
1968 Howard Hong and Edna Hong Søren Kierkegaard Journals and Papers (first volume of 7)
1969 William Weaver Italo Calvino Cosmicomics
1970 Ralph Manheim Celine Castle to Castle
1971 Frank Jones Bertolt Brecht Saint Joan of the Stockyards
Edward G. Seidensticker Yasunari Kawabata The Sound of the Mountain
1972 Austryn Wainhouse Jacques Monod Chance and Necessity
1973 Allen almond tree Virgil The Aeneid of Virgil
1974 Karen Brazell The Confessions of Lady Nijo
Helen R. Lane Octavio Paz Alternating Current
Jackson Matthews Paul Valery Monsieur Teste
1975 Anthony Kerrigan Miguel de Unamuno The Agony of Christianity and Essays on Faith
1977 Li-Li Ch'en Master Tung's Western Chamber Romance
1978 Richard Winston and Clara Winston Uwe George In the Deserts of This Earth
1979 Clayton Eshleman
José Rubia Barcia
César Vallejo The Complete Posthumous Poetry
1980 William Arrowsmith Cesare Pavese Hard laboratory
Jane Gary Harris
Constance Link
Osip E. Mandelstam Complete Critical Prose and Letters
1981 Francis Steegmuller Gustave Flaubert The Letters of Gustave Flaubert
John E. Woods Arno Schmidt Evening Edged in Gold
1982 Robert Lyons Danly Higuchi Ichiyō In the Shade of Spring Leaves
Ian Hideo Levy The Ten Thousand Leaves: A Translation of The Man'Yoshu, Japan's Premier Anthology of Classical Poetry
1983 Richard Howard Charles Baudelaire Les Fleurs you times
1984-2017 not forgiven
2018 Margaret Mitsutani Tawada Yoko The Emissary
2019 Ottilie Mulzet László Krasznahorkai Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming

Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters

The Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters has been awarded by the National Book Foundation since 1988 as an honorary award for a lifetime achievement.

Literarian Award for Outstanding Service to the American Literary Community

The Literarian Award for Outstanding Service to the American Literary Community has been presented by the National Book Foundation since 2005 as an honorary award for a lifetime achievement.

Web links

Commons : National Book Award  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c How the National Book Awards Work . In: (accessed November 26, 2017).
  2. Frequently Asked Questions ( Memento of the original from November 19, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: (accessed November 26, 2017). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Entry in the catalog of the German National Library (accessed on November 16, 2017).
  4. ^ National Book Award for Translation Added ., January 31, 2018, accessed February 1, 2018
  5. The Globalization of the National Book Awards , article by Alexandra Alter in the New York Times, January 31, 2018, accessed December 1, 2019.
  6. Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters , National Book Foundation page , accessed December 1, 2019.
  7. ^ Literarian Award , National Book Foundation page , accessed December 1, 2019.
  8. ^ John Williams: Richard Robinson of Scholastic Honored for Lifetime of Work in Children's Publishing. In: The New York Times . September 20, 2017, accessed November 28, 2017 .
  9. National Book Awards Names 2018 Medalists: Isabel Allende and Doron Weber ., September 20, 2018, accessed September 21, 2018