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Infobox radio tower icon
Station logo
TV station ( public service )
Program type Full program
reception DVB-S
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
business 1997 to 2000
language German
Seat Vienna ( Austria )
Broadcaster ORF
Intendant Gerhard Weis
List of TV channels

ORF Sat was a digital broadcaster of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation , which broadcast its program from 1997 to 2000. Outside Austria, the station was often only called ORF , which corresponded to the logo displayed in the program and since only this single ORF station could be received abroad. Sometimes it was also referred to as the ORF satellite version . This television offer was counted as part of public television.

The transmitter

Since the ORF only acquires the broadcasting rights for Austria for third-party productions, the channels ORF 1 and ORF 2 are only broadcast in encrypted form via DVB-S. The necessary hardware for decoding is only available within Austria. In order to still offer interested parties abroad the opportunity to receive ORF's own productions, these were broadcast unencrypted via ORF Sat. The ORF station was broadcast via satellite as part of ZDFvision , the ZDF's digital television program bouquet , and thus also fed into the German cable networks. But there was also an encrypted broadcast on the ORF transponder, which probably served to feed the signal to the ZDF. After the station was discontinued in 2000, mainly for copyright and financial reasons, CNBC Europe took over the empty slot within the ZDF program bouquet.

Today, ORF 2 Europe, which started in 2004 and functions as a successor to ORF Sat, takes on the task of supplying foreign countries .


Essentially, the program was broadcast by ORF 2, which was replaced by TW1 , the former ORF tourism and weather channel , if programs were not available due to the legal situation .


The former station could be received digitally via ASTRA.

  • Satellite: Astra 19.2 ° East
  • Transponder: 77
  • Downlink frequency: 11.953 GHz
  • Symbol rate (MS / s): 27500
  • Error Protection Rate (FEC): 3/4
  • Polarization: Horizontal

Individual evidence

  1. Information about ORF Sat at ZDF ( Memento from December 16, 2000 in the Internet Archive )