One Planet Summit

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One Planet Summit ("One Earth Summit") is the title of a series of extraordinary or additional world climate summits announced by French President Emmanuel Macron at the UN Climate Conference in Bonn 2017 (COP 23) . The aim is to promote a worldwide "ecological transformation" through which "measures for environmental and climate protection are combined with opportunities for the job market, innovation and economy". To this end, various “coalitions” have been concluded between state and private actors to achieve specific goals. In addition to the French government, the organizers are the World Bank under its President Jim Yong Kim and theUnited Nations with its Secretary General António Guterres .

The first One Planet Summit took place on December 12, 2017 - the second anniversary of the world climate agreement concluded at COP 21 - near Paris in Boulogne-Billancourt in the La Seine Musicale cultural center on the local Seine island Île Seguin . After the first meeting, there were further summits in New York in 2018 and in Nairobi in 2019. On January 11, 2021, the fourth summit, this time virtual, took place again in Paris.


In 2017, around 4,000 representatives from organizations, municipalities and regions from around 130 countries met, including around 50 heads of state and government. In addition to diplomatic staff from its embassy, ​​the US was represented by civil society representatives from the America's Pledge ; Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks took part for the Federal Republic of Germany ( provisional after the failure of the exploratory talks in Jamaica in 2017 ) .

Goals, purpose

Under the slogan “There is no planet B ”, the summit meeting has three goals (quotations) according to its homepage:

  1. Take concrete and collective action. There are solutions that we should introduce globally and locally as soon as possible.
  2. Be innovative. Let's be creative and resourceful as we adapt our systems to the inevitable changes and step up our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Support each other. We are all affected by climate change, but some of us are more vulnerable than others. Let us work together for the good of all and increase our support even more for the countries and peoples who need them most.

A major focus will be on how to accelerate and support joint efforts to combat global warming , thereby developing innovations that will be publicly and privately funded. The main aim is to advise on the financing of further climate protection measures ; announcements by various politicians on investments in new energy technologies are also expected.


In the run-up to this, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim called on international climate protection efforts to be promoted without the participation of the incumbent US government under the “ climate skepticDonald Trump ; With those involved in the USA, progress could be made despite the USA's announced withdrawal from the world climate agreement in 2020. Host Macron affirmed that the Paris Agreement was historic and not z. B. could be renegotiated in favor of the USA.

A few days earlier, the 3rd UN Environment Conference took place in Nairobi at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) from December 4 to 6, 2017, and the first North American climate summit North, also organized by the American civil society organization America's Pledge in early December in Chicago American Climate Summit .

On the eve of the summit, Macron awarded several research grants to US climate researchers; Germany also announced a grant for climate , energy and earth system research as part of the Make Our Planet Great Again (→ Make America Great Again ) initiative .

After a meeting of the more than 50 participating heads of state and government with Macron in the Élysée Palace , they went together by boat to the conference venue on the Île Seguin on December 12th . Here explained Michael Bloomberg , UN special envoy for climate protection that the United States despite the climate change skeptic her to policies of President Trump Paris Convention could comply with commitments given because such an environmentally friendly company policy was. B. in the interests of many US companies. Macron had previously confirmed that it wanted to close the Fessenheim nuclear power plant , but again without a corresponding date. Macron proposed twelve additional projects to accelerate the fight against anthropogenic global warming, e. B. a program for the development of electric vehicles to get faster from fossil- fueled mobility z. B. to get out with internal combustion engines .


The World Bank announced that it would no longer finance projects for the development of oil and natural gas from 2019 ; The insurance company Axa announced that it will no longer insure new coal-fired power plants in the future and that it will invest twelve billion euros in "green" projects by 2020 .

Germany initiated together with France, Great Britain , the Netherlands and Sweden to make emissions trading more expensive in order to drive the phase-out from fossil fuels with higher prices for CO 2 emissions; the US states of California and Washington followed suit.

Several other partners joined the coalition for the exit from coal that was set up by Great Britain at COP 23 in Bonn , so that the number of its members grew to around 30 countries and regions.

At the One Planet Summit 2021 in Paris, $ 14.3 billion was raised for Africa's Green Wall in the Sahel .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c (December 11, 2017)
  2. ^ Conference in Paris - World Bank calls for climate protection even without a US government . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( [accessed December 10, 2017]).
  3. One planet summit. Retrieved December 12, 2017, December 12, 2017 (UK English).
  4. Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères: Fourth One Planet Summit: Commitment and commitment to biodiversity (January 11, 2021). Retrieved January 12, 2021 .
  5. ^ A b Badische Zeitung: Climate protectors praise Paris summit - hot spots - Badische Zeitung . ( [accessed on December 13, 2017]). Climate protectors praise the Paris summit - hot spots - Badische Zeitung ( Memento from December 14, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  6. a b Climate Agreement - Paris Meeting Addresses Business . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( [accessed December 12, 2017]).
  7. , November 6, 2017: Wrestling about climate protection (December 10, 2017)
  8. a b Dispute over climate treaty: Macron accuses USA of aggressive solo efforts . In: Spiegel Online . December 12, 2017 ( [accessed December 13, 2017]).
  9. DLF24 , December 12, 2017, 4:00 p.m. (December 12, 2017)
  10. ^ World Bank Group Announcements at One Planet Summit. Retrieved December 13, 2017 .
  11. a b Badische Zeitung: Paris summit pushes economy to climate protection - hot spots - Badische Zeitung . ( [accessed on December 13, 2017]). Paris summit pushes business to climate protection - hot spots - Badische Zeitung ( Memento from December 13, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  12. DLF24 , December 12, 2017, 6:00 p.m.: Climate Conference - Additional projects and collaborations suggested . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( [accessed December 12, 2017]).
  13. Green wall: trees against desert. In: . January 12, 2021, accessed January 12, 2021 .