Order of Danilos I for independence

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Grand Cross and Star
Commander and knight IV class

The order of Danilo I for independence was changed by Prince Danilo I of Montenegro in 1853 from an existing medal donated in 1837 . The order was set up for participants in the struggle for independence against the Turks . From around 1860 other people were also honored with it. This change was due to Prince Nikolaus taking over the government . The order was also called "Chernagorian Independence Order" and "Danilo I, for the independence of the black mountains".

Order classes

The order initially had only one class, which was then expanded to three (four or five) classes.

Order decoration

The decoration of the order is different for all classes .

The order decoration consists of a silver cross , which is rounded on the outside. The cross arms are enamelled black and in the middle there is a round gold-framed medallion . On the red enamelled front side are written in golden letters and in Serbian "Danilo I, Prince of Montenegro". The reverse of the same design contains the order's motto "For the independence of the black mountains 1852/1853".

The knights retained the form introduced in 1853. The commanders' cross is a gold one as described above, only a wide gold-framed border was surrounded by white enamel. The lower cross arm is longer and visually stretched the award.

The decoration for grand cruisers is a rounded gold cross with arms of equal length, and this center is enameled blue. The red and white border is bordered by a golden edge. The red enameled central shield is framed by a wide blue and a narrower white hoop. Inside and outside is a golden line. In the middle of the medallion the initials DI (Danilo I) in Serbian and above the princely crown. In the blue enameled ring is the inscription "For the independence of the black mountains".

The entire order decoration is attached to the golden prince's crown with a suspension ring that floated above everything.

Ribbon and way of wearing

The ribbon was a white one with a red stripe on each side. Grand cruisers put the ribbon over the right shoulder on the left hip side as a sash. Commanders wore a neck medal and knights on the left chest.

A breast star on the left side was part of the decoration of the order for Grand Cruisers . The order star has 16 bundles of rays with alternating eight brilliant silver and eight simple silver. In the center of the star is the order cross.


  1. ^ Description of all orders, the images of which are contained in the color print work: "The orders, coats of arms and flags of all regents and states". Author:?, Leipzig, 1883–1887
  2. ^ Meyers Konversationslexikon, author collective, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig and Vienna, Fourth Edition, 1885-1892, Volume 11, Page 0769