Otto Papenfuß

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Otto Papenfuß (born April 3, 1898 in Schlawe ; † in the 20th century ) was a German cyclist and national champion in cycling .

Athletic career

In 1915 Papenfuß began cycling, at that time he was already living in Berlin . Papenfuss's first significant victory was first place in the Hamburg – Berlin race in 1920 (the race was otherwise driven in the opposite direction) ahead of Paul Kohl . Otto Papenfuss won the long-distance cycle trip Berlin-Leipzig , initiated by the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer (BDR), for the first time . Also in 1920 he won the races through the Spreewald and Bochum – Münster – Bochum . In 1923 he won the German championship in the amateur road race ahead of Alex Rux .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sports album of the cycling world . Radwelt Verlag, Berlin 1923, p. 44 .