Ousmane Tanor Dieng

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Ousmane Tanor Dieng 2008

Ousmane Tanor Dieng (born January 2, 1947 in Nguéniène , Mbour , Senegal , † July 15, 2019 in Bordeaux , France ) was a Senegalese politician . Since 1996 he has been General Secretary of the Parti Socialiste (PS) and President of the Haut conseil des collectivités territoriales (HCCT) , in which all local authorities in the country are represented.


A graduate of the École nationale d'administration , Ousmane Tanor Dieng joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a consultant for international affairs in 1976. As early as 1978 he was a diplomatic advisor in the presidential cabinet of Léopold Sédar Senghor . His successor Abdou Diouf became his mentor and promoted his career sustainably. He made him minister and took him to the top positions of the PS . Since 1996 Dieng was one of the vice-presidents of the Socialist International . After the change of power in 2001 Dieng was chairman of the PS group in the Assemblée nationale du Sénégal . In the 2007 presidential election in Senegalhe ran as a candidate, but just behind Idrissa Seck in third place did not make it into the runoff against Abdoulaye Wade . In the presidential election in Senegal in 2012 , he joined again as a candidate, but did not come in fourth place in the runoff against Macky Sall , which he has since supported politically.

Seriously ill since April 2019, Ousmane Tanor Dieng died on July 15, 2019 in Bordeaux. President Macky Sall and many other public figures, including the Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta and the Chilean Luis Ayala , General Secretary of the Socialist International (SI), were present on the tarmac in front of the presidential pavilion of the Aéroport international Blaise Diagne as the special machine of the President arrived from Paris, who took the deceased back to his home country. Sall paid tribute to his political ally Ousmane Tanor Dieng as a tireless servant of the state, a first-rate politician, a reliable friend and advisor, a man of kindness and generosity, of discipline and courtesy.

Individual evidence

  1. ps-senegal: Hommage à Ousmane Tanor Dieng (02 Janvier 1947 - 15 Juillet 2019): Un géant est tombé!
  2. jeuneafrique, July 19, 2019: Le Sénégal a perdu un homme politique de première classe: l'hommage à Ousmane Tanor Dieng
  3. pressafrik, July 15, 2019: Bio-portrait de Ousmane Tanor Dieng: De 1976 à 2019, parcours hors-pair d'un homme d'Etat