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A pankgrave in religious dress

As Pankgraf members is called the Old Pankgrafen Association of 1381 to Berlin bey Wedding at Panke (APV), an association in Berlin .


Pankgraves at the pageant for the 700th anniversary of Bernau, 1932

The association is organized nationwide. The abbreviation APV is ambiguous, it stands for Alte Pankgrafen-Vereinigung and for Anti-Political Association . According to its self-image, the association defines itself as a secular order of knights . His Pankgräfliches headquarters are in Berlin on Gierkeplatz, in the district of Charlottenburg .

Through the external activities (knight rides) of the organization, vassal cities and the local offshoots of the pan counts arise.

The legend about the origin of the Pankgrave order

The origin of the Pankgrave Order is a modern myth . According to this self-created legend , the founding of the order of the APV goes back to the Urgrave Udo with the split claw in the year 1381. At that time, Udo "in association with other righteous knights" in the "memorable battle on the Lausefenn" near the then village of Pankow put the "robber rabble" to flight.

Under the leadership of the Urgrave Udo , the “victorious peacemakers” then joined together to form an order of knights , the Pankgraves Association . In the following decades and centuries they would have provided commercial escort services to traveling traders and thus contributed to increasing public safety "for all citizens and farmers ". "The traces of the Pankgrafschaft" are lost in the turmoil of the Thirty Years' War.

"The fate prepared Udo a spectacular life [and just such an end. According to legend, at the end of his life Udo, who is used to battle and victory, is said to be out of grief that they wanted to throw the Panke river , this marvelous Brandenburg river with its black-green-gray-blue waves, after a drink in full armor plunged into the floods, [...] but unfortunately did not find the desired peace in this mold grave. [Because every 50 years] his gruesome fate leads him back to the earthly world to see whether the water is still there and whether the descendants of his motto “Benefit - Friendship - Fatherland” have remained loyal. "( From the chronicle )

This is how it happened in 1881. At this “last appearance” of the Urgrave Udo with the split claw, “he unfortunately had to find out that this was by no means and by no means the case”. On the contrary, some of the direct descendants of the knightly pankgraves were sitting with the traditional, huge pint, which was quite an honor, but they had completely forgotten to put the fatherland above everything. They quarreled around a regular's table in the North German brewery on Pankestrand about party doctrines and everyone wanted to be right. One longed for the good old days, the other spoke of liberal freedoms, a third believed that he would find his salvation in protective tariffs, and there was one person who didn't like anything about the German Reich.
When Count Udo heard this screaming and squabbling, he appeared in full armor among the arguing, who had already looked considerably into the tankard , hit the table with his fist and told them to remember the old motto and act on it. He asked them to revive the old pan-county and to fill it with new life. They should be real Germans, but not petty citizens . "Then he disappeared again into the black-green-gray-blue floods of the Panke." ( From the chronicle )


Initially, it was only a few fighters who founded the Alte Pankgrafenvereinigung in 1881 . But this circle of friends soon turned into an association known throughout the country, which in its kind was available to the whole of the German fatherland and which proved its vitality even through the horrors of two world wars and great political turmoil.

The foundation of the Alte Pankgrafen-Vereinigung took place against the background of the economic and political upswing of the German Empire at the end of the 19th century, the first German economic miracle of modern times, the so-called Gründerzeit . Then there was the new political constellation. The aim of the German unification movement, like all other European peoples to live together in a single nation-state , was at least partially fulfilled by the small German solution in 1871. In the years after the founding of the empire , there was a feeling of euphoria, a spirit of optimism, and a future certainty among the Germans, which gave the founding period its name.

This period saw many foundations of patriotic associations. The special thing about the Pankgrafschaft is that by renouncing a political and religious creed, it did not quarrel and dissolve itself, as was the case with most of the patriotic associations that were oriented towards party politics.

The headquarters of the Pankgraves, the "castle", was at the beginning of the 20th century at Schloßstraße 6 (today's Ossietzkystraße) in Pankow near the Panke at the Castle Park Niederschönhausen. The location with a natural garden and ballroom offered space for 4,000 guests.

In the district of Pankow in the districts of Karow and Pankow, the Pankgrafenstrasse was named after the association.

Coat of arms, motto and structure of the association

APV coat of arms with plume
APV coat of arms with crown

The APV coat of arms colors are black, green, gray and blue.

The coat of arms shows a shield in these colors. The coat of arms appears in two variations: either with a visor helmet with plume on the shield or with a gold crown placed on the upper edge of the shield . Both coats of arms are on an equal footing. In addition, the coat of arms of Brandenburg , the red eagle, is used in the APV. The motto of the Pankgrafen is: "Benefit - Friendship - Fatherland "

The non-profit character of the APV consists of funding

  • of the homeland idea
  • the connectedness of German cities and regions and their population among themselves
  • the preservation and care of the tradition of Berlin and German history , including the collection and replication of objects and documents from prehistoric times
  • Care of the German song and music assets
  • and especially material support for people in need

The Barnajadenbund eV, a sub-organization of the APV, is responsible for the proper collection of donations.

The members of the APV from 1381 are composed of

the Grand Commander
the Commons
the pan count

The Grand Master is the head of the APV. He oversees the business and the administration of the association's assets, convenes the board and the board of grand committees, leads the assembly and arranges for the implementation of the resolutions, can delegate tasks to his two deputies, who also represent him in absentia.

At the side of the Grand Master is an adjutant chosen by himself , the first and second deputies as well as the governors of the vassal cities. Furthermore, the board of directors includes the chancellor, the consul general and his deputy, the marshal of the order, the chief treasure and treasurer, the master of ceremonies and ceremonies, as well as the assessors, archive administrators, archive assistants, armaments and clothing masters, journeyman, traveling marshal and assessors for special use ( e.g. V.)

The pankgraves dress code

The dress code of the association gives the following requirements for certain occasions

  • for other evenings: informal, but with a tie
  • Small festive suit: black or dark suit , white shirt , pancake pin and awards
  • For the funeral service : like a small festive suit, tufted funeral pin, if necessary to wear on the coat lapel
  • Habit: (by order mandatory) hat with feathers , religious dress with belt hook at hip height, embroidered collar, tuxedo - shirt with wing collar, cuffs (White), gloves (white), belt bag, sword , boots , Pankratius Cross Medals of Knight rides, Open hands (silver and gold), awards and honors from like-minded associations (no fantasy medals)
  • Tournament chain: regardless of the dress code for all official events

As a sign of his pankgrave dignity, the pankgrave wears a metal cross around his neck on his chest.

The Pankgräfliche Remterordnung

  • The order cross must be put on before entering the room. The pankgrave's courtesy requires first greeting the Grand Master and then everyone else present with a handshake .
  • The official part of the remtering evening is characterized by the disciplined behavior of the friends in the Grand Master's remarks and in the artistic performances. The column leaders are responsible for keeping their columns in order .
  • The call sign for the opening or reopening of the office must be obeyed immediately.
  • Those who enter later remain waiting at the entrance during a speech or lecture.
  • Entering the remter and its ancillary rooms during and after official events is strictly prohibited for women.
  • Entering the remter in the coat at any time forces a so-called pankgrave punishment.
  • The name and occupation of an introduced guest introduced to the Grand Master must be given to the Grand Master's adjutant, written with the name of the introducing friend, to facilitate the introduction (in German).

In the kumperkaten hour as well as with all other greetings by the Grand Master (birthdays etc.), all friends stand up unsolicited when the honored person steps in front of the Grand Master's table. After the award, all friends without exception toast in front of the grand master's table, welcoming and congratulating the honored.

Club parties

Pankratius religious festival

The Pankgraves call May 12th Pankratius Day and celebrate their religious feast. On this day, awards are presented, promotions to commander or grand commander are made and Kumperkaten is appointed pankgrave . The final part of the festival is public. Pankratius is the highest public holiday in the year of the Pankrafen. Many songs and customs of the pankgraves treat this day.

Pankgraves' pork knuckle meal

Every year in November the "pankgräfliche Eisbeinatzung" (quote from Degenhard's chronicle) takes place in Berlin. This event is reserved for men only, women are not permitted to enter the hall.

Knight rides

The list of knight trips includes over 100 city names, the 100th city brought the Pankgrafen to Braubach am Rhein in 2007 . The trips begin in 1881 with a knight ride to Bernau , as they did again in 1994. The counting of trips is naturally based on the "Old Pankgrafschaft 1381 von Wedding an der Panke near Berlin". In 2010, the 631st knight's ride took place as a friendship ride to Höxter. However, some of these knight rides ended with rifts instead of as special events. In 1959, for example, a "knight's ride to conquer the heart" was planned to Ansbach and in the end it was a bitterly angry argument with the suspicion of perjury. Some communities use the knight rides to gain self-esteem: “In 1924, the Pankgraves from Berlin conquered Lychen during their knight rides . Because of its island location, it was considered difficult to take the city by land. The decision was made to come across the water from Fürstenberg. ”Extracts of further descriptions from the“ degenhardt's chronicle ”can be found on the“ homepage ”of the Pankgrafen.


  • Gustav Degenhardt: Chronicle of the Old Pankgrafschaft 1381 to 1981 . Berlin 1980.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jump up ↑ Record for pankgrave pork knuckle dinner: after the meal, 19 men applied for a pankgrave.
  2. Vasallenstädte ( Memento from January 8, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ APV Braubach
  4. The Pankgraves are coming
  5. Soester Anzeiger: The royal couple has "sun in their hearts"
  6. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten: Pankgraves board the wine festival
  7. Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Pankgrafen remained quite peaceful
  8. ^ The history of the Schützenzunft Fürstenberg eV
  9. a b List of Knight Rides ( Memento from January 8, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  10. W. Kinnigkeit: swore Pankgrafen perjury? - The Prussians conquered Ansbach . In Die Zeit, April 28, 1961
  11. Ritterfahrt der Pankgrafen 1924 ( Memento from February 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), with an integrated film of the journey
  12. The "Old Pankgrafenvereinigung von 1381 zu Berlin near Wedding an der Panke" greets you