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The Pfaffenbrief of October 7, 1370 was a contract between Zurich , Lucerne , Zug , Uri , Schwyz and Unterwalden . He stipulated that secular and clerical persons in the area of ​​the contracting parties owed obedience to the local authorities. The clergy residing in the federal places were forbidden to go to foreign courts, except in marriage and spiritual matters. A feud ban was also issued.

In Swiss historiography , the Pfaffenbrief of 1370, the Sempacherbrief of 1393 and the Stans Decree of 1481 are generally regarded as approaches to creating a state as a whole, an interpretation that has been relativized by recent studies.


  • Andreas Heusler : Swiss constitutional history. Frobenius, Basel 1920.
  • Norbert Domeisen: Swiss constitutional history, philosophy of history and ideology. A study of the interpretation of the constitutional history of the Swiss Confederation from the end of the 15th to the end of the 18th century through national historiography (= European university publications. Series 3: History and its auxiliary sciences 103). Lang, Bern et al. 1978, ISBN 3-261-03089-5 , p. 43 ff.

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