Postcode (Kazakhstan)

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The postcodes in Kazakhstan consist of a seven-digit code made up of letters and numbers. The postal code system was introduced in 2015.



The new Kazakh postcodes are divided into three parts:

  • a letter indicating the administrative unit
  • a two-digit number indicating the city or borough
  • a four-digit combination of letters and numbers that identify the house and street


A01 P3K4
A: Almaty City - 01: Alatau District - P3K4: Ishimskaya Street, House 3/18
X41 D8M0
X: Turkistan Region - 41: Turkistan City - D8M0: Eski Ikan Street, House 14


Administrative unit Postcodes
old (2004–2015) new (since 2015)
Almaty 04xxxx Byy zzzz
Aqmola 02xxxx Cyy zzzz
Aqtobe 03xxxx Dyy zzzz
Atyrau 06xxxx Eyy zzzz
Mangghystau 13xxxx Ryy zzzz
Northern Kazakhstan 15xxxx Tyy zzzz
East Kazakhstan 07xxxx Fyy zzzz
Pavlodar 14xxxx Syy zzzz
Karagandy 10xxxx Myy zzzz
Qostanai 11xxxx Pyy zzzz
Kyzylorda 12xxxx Nyy zzzz
Shambyl 08xxxx Hyy zzzz
Turkistan 16xxxx Xyy zzzz
Western Kazakhstan 09xxxx Lyy zzzz
Almaty city 05xxxx Ayy zzzz
City only Sultan (2019 Astana) 01xxxx Zyy zzzz

Web links

  • Postcode search on (English, Kazakh and Russian)