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The twelve months of the republican calendar of the French Revolution are each divided into three "decades" of ten days. Quartidi is the fourth day of a decade. The 4th, 14th and 24th of each month and the Fête de l'opinion of the Sansculottids fall on a Quartidi.

Day names

The day names of the Quartidi were (like most other day names) agricultural crops. Only in the Nivôse were the days named after minerals and animal substances.

Day names for the Quartidi
month 1 re Decade 2 e decade 3 e decade
Vendémiaire 4th Colchique (meadow saffron) 14th Réséda (Reseda) 24. Amarillis (Amaryllis)
Brumaire 4th Betterave (beetroot) 14th Endive (endive) 24. orange
Frimaire 4th Nèfle (medlar) 14th Sapin (fir) 24. Oseille (sorrel)
Nivôse 4th Soufre (sulfur) 14th Grès (sandstone) 24. Cuivre (copper)
Pluviôse 4th Perce Neige (Snowdrop) 14th Avelinier (Lambert Nut) 24. Trainasse (departure)
Ventôse 4th Troëne (privet) 14th Vélar 24. Pâquerette (daisies)
Germinal 4th Tulipe (tulip) 14th Hêtre (beech) 24. Roquette (rocket)
Floréal 4th Aubépine (hawthorn) 14th Chamerisier (honeysuckle) 24. Valériane (valerian)
Prairial 4th Angélique (angelica) 14th Acacia (acacia) 24. Caille lait (bedstraw)
Messidor 4th Véronique (honorary award) 14th Lavande (lavender) 24. Orcanète (make-up root)
Thermidor 4th Ivraie (ryegrass) 14th Basilic (basil) 24. Aunée (alant)
Fructidor 4th Escourgeon (feed barley) 14th Noix (walnut) 24. Sorgho (sorghum)
Sansculottids 4th Fete de l'opinion  

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