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The twelve months of the republican calendar of the French Revolution are divided into three “decades” of ten days. Quintidi is the fifth day of a decade. The 5th, 15th and 25th of each month and the Fête des recompenses of the Sansculottides fall on a quintidi. The day names of the Quintidi are domestic and hunting animals.

Day names

The day names of the Quintidi were (in contrast to the other day names) farm animals. If one compares the original proposals of Fabre d'Églantine with the finally adopted ones, it is noticeable that Fabre d'Églantine often had one quintidi for the male and one for the female in a month. This concept only penetrated in the cases of bull / cow, billy goat / goat and ram / sheep. The inclusion of young animals was completely rejected. For the 15th Messidor, the mule should be contrasted with the “Jumart” (a mythical horse / cow hybrid). Fortunately for looking at the calendar, this idea was not accepted.

Day names for the Quintidi
month 1 re Decade 2 e decade 3 e decade
Vendémiaire 5. Cheval (horse) 15th Âne (donkey) 25th Bœuf (beef)
Brumaire 5. Oye (goose) 15th Dindon (turkey) 25th Faisan (Pheasant)
Jars (Gander)
Frimaire 5. Cochon (pig) 15th Chevreuil (deer) 25th Grillon (grille)
Nivôse 5. Chien (dog) 15th Lapin (rabbit) 25th (Cat)
Pluviôse 5. Taureau (bull) 15th Vache (cow) 25th Lièvre (hare)
Veau (calf)
Ventôse 5. Bouc (billy goat) 15th Chèvre (goat) 25th Tuna (Tuna)
Chevreau (Kid)
Germinal 5. Poule (Chicken)
Coq (Rooster)
15th Abeille (bee)
poule (chicken)
25th Pigeon
Floréal 5. Rossignol (nightingale)
Abeille (bee)
15th Ver-à-soie (silkworm) 25th Carpe (carp)
Prairial 5. Canard (duck)
Canard (drake)
15th Caille (quail)
cane (duck)
25th Tanche (tench)
Messidor 5. Mulet (mule) 15th Chamois (chamois)
25th Pintade (guinea fowl)
Thermidor 5. Bélier (Aries) 15th Brebis (sheep) 25th Loutre (Otter)
Agneau (Lamb)
Fructidor 5. Saumon (salmon)
barbeau (barbel)
15th Truite (trout)
Goujon ( gudgeon )
25th Écrevisse (cancer)
Sansculottids 5. Fête des recompenses  
Fabre d'Églantine proposals that were not accepted appear in lower case

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