RV Winterthur

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Logo of the RV Winterthur

The RV Winterthur (advertised cycling club Winterthur ) is a cycling club from Winterthur . From 1910 to 2012 , the club owned a successful cycling ball section , which has made world champions several times.


On August 14, 1882, the Velocipedeclub Winterthur was founded in Winterthur in the student environment of the Technikum Winterthur . The first president was Sidney Brown , son of the English entrepreneur Charles Brown . One of the club's drivers achieved their first success when Georges Chatel became Swiss champion in the six-kilometer pursuit in 1892. In 1906, 1908 and 1936 the Swiss team championship was won. In 1917, the merger with the racing club to form the city of Winterthur's cycling club . In the 1930s, Albert Büchi wasinternationally successful as one of the first Swiss road racing drivers. Later there were some successful cyclists from Winterthur, including Richard Trinkler , who was one of the silver medalists at the Olympic Games in the team time trial in 1984 , and Hansjörg Aemisegger , Swiss road champion from 1979. In 1992, Peter Steiger became world champion in the standing group .

RV Winterthur has also organized various races in the past. From 1931 to 1990 a road criterion ( criterion from Winterthur ) was set up, and there was also a tour from 1980 to 2003 ( Hegiberg tour until 1997 , then renamed GP Winterthur ). From 1959 to 74 there was a motocross race on the Iberghang .

Bike ball

The section was founded in 1910. In addition to two-wheel ball, lawn bike ball was also played. In 1927/28 Kunz / Borsani were able to bring the first Swiss championship title to Winterthur. In 1933 the Winterthur lawn bike players Mächler / De Zordi / Breitenmoser / Flachsmann became world champions as well as Swiss champions. Between 1933 and 1949, the Winterthur lawn bike ballers won the Swiss championship a total of 16 times. Between 1950 and 1952, the Osterwalder / Breitenmoser duo became world champions three times in a row and did the same again in 1956. In between, namely in 1954, Breitenmoser won the World Cup together with Flachsmann . In 1999 Hauri / Jiricek became world champions and in 2002 Jiricek again together with Looser . In 2009 Jiriček won the third World Cup together with Waldispühl . At the end of 2012 the cycling section merged with the Winterthur cycling club ATB Winterthur to form the cycling club Winterthur and left the RV Winterthur. The RV Winterthur gave the section a capital of 50,000 francs.

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