Raffaele Ciasca

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Raffaele Ciasca

Raffaele Ciasca (born May 26, 1888 in Rionero in Vulture , † July 18, 1975 in Rome ) was an Italian historian, lawyer and Christian Democratic politician.


Raffaele Ciasca was born to the timber merchant Antonio Ciasca and Maria Donata Vucci. After primary school he attended the seminar of Ascoli Satriano and the Liceo at the Institut "Salvator Rosa" of Potenza . Gaetano Salvemini and Giustino Fortunato were among his friends, and he was strongly influenced by their ideas.

Ciasca studied humanities ( Lettere ) for a year at the University of Naples , but then moved to the Istituto di Studi Superiori di Firenze , now the University of Florence, after meeting Gaetano Salvemini . In 1913 Ciasca received his doctorate with the work L'origine del programma per "l'opinione nazionale italiana" del 1847-1848 . As an artillery officer, he took part in the First World War.

After his second doctorate in 1919, this time in law at the University of Urbino , he taught Storia moderna in Messina from 1923 , from 1925 at the University of Cagliari , then in Genoa , and finally at the University of Rome , where he taught political science from 1949. During the Second World War he also took on economic history at the Università Cattolica di Milano . On April 26, 1922, he married the writer Carolina Rispoli , with whom he had three children, namely Maria Amalia, the archaeologist Antonia and Eugenio.

Ciasca dealt mainly with questions of southern Italy, of meridionalismo . From 1950 to 1967 he headed the Istituto per l'Oriente and the Centro per le Relazioni Italo-Arabe , of which he was the first president. In addition, he headed the Istituto Storico Nazionale per l'Età Moderna e Contemporanea from 1951 and became a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei in 1956, and in 1970 he became a full member ( socio nazionale ).

In addition to his academic work, he became a member of the Partito Liberale in the post-war years, but on June 2, 1946, he was on the Lucanian list of the Unione Democratica Nazionale without being elected. In 1948 he ran for the Democrazia Cristiana and became a senator . In 1953 he was re-elected. He belonged to the Movimento Federalista Europeo and was the representative of the Senate at UNESCO.

Constitutum artis et collegii medicorum, spetiariorum et merciariorum civitatis Florentiae, 1922

Publications (selection)

  • L'arte dei medici e speziali nella storia e nel commercio fiorentino dal sec.XII al XV , 1927, again Olschki, Florence 1977.
  • Storia delle bonifiche del regno di Napoli , Laterza, Bari 1928.
  • Dante e l'arte dei medici e speciali , in: Archivio storico italiano 89 (1931) 59–97.
  • Storia coloniale dell'Italia contemporanea. Da Assab all'Impero , 1938, 2nd edition Hoepli, 1940.
  • La Basilicata e l'unità d'Italia , in: Lucania 61 , Comitato regional della Basilicata per le celebrazioni del primo centenario dell'Unità d'Italia, Rome 1961.
  • Il problema della terra , Treves, Milan 1921, again Padua 1963.
  • Aspetti economici e sociali dell'Italia preunitaria , Istituto storico italiano per l'età moderna e contemporanea, Rome 1973.


Web links


  1. ^ Raffaele Ciasca: L'origine del programma per "l'opinione nazionale italiana" del 1847–1848 , Albrighi e Segati, Milan 1916, again in 1965.
  2. Annuario della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 2011, p. 421