Reinhold Schaad

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Reinhold Schaad (born June 12, 1884 in Sigmarswangen ; † February 12, 1946 in Schwäbisch Hall ) was a German cellist , composer and poet .


Reinhold Schaad was the child of a postman and a farmer, the youngest of three siblings. In 1888 the family moved to Stuttgart for professional reasons. At the age of 6, Schaad became blind as a result of an accident. Despite (or because of) his blindness , he developed into a talented cellist , a master student of Julius Klengels with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra , with widely acclaimed performances in Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig.

In 1911, Schaad had to give up playing the cello because he was unable to play properly due to a finger disease (possibly a tendinitis ). He then began to compose. In 1913, as part of the preparations for the Hohen-Meißner meeting of the Wandervogel movement, the song “ Today we want to tie the knot ” was created. At the beginning of the First World War , Schaad set some songs by Hermann Löns to music , which were often sung at the time, but have now been forgotten.

Around 1944 a close friendship developed with the Freiburg poet Reinhold Schneider , whose poems Schaad occasionally set to music.

On January 22, 1946, Schaad was the victim of an accident, of which he died a few days later. He was buried in the cemetery in Kupferzell .


Reinhold Schaad's main work is the great mass that Schaad wrote in 1942 (although a Protestant) on the thirtieth anniversary of a priest friend, Hermann Jung, pastor of St. Elisabeth in Karlsruhe. The compositions and poems of Schaad are no longer in print and are therefore largely unknown, with the exception of the song “ Today we want to tie the knot ”. The exploitation rights for this song lie with Voggenreiter-Verlag . Some of his compositions are believed to be in the Reinhold Schneider Archive in Freiburg.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Birth register of StA Sigmarswangen, No. 12/1884
  2. Death register StA Schwäbisch Hall, No. 61/1946