Viktor Siemerling

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Viktor Siemerling

Viktor Julius Friedrich Siemerling (born February 3, 1823 in Neubrandenburg ; † January 1, 1879 there ) was a German pharmacist, merchant and banker.


Viktor Siemerling was the eldest son and one of five children of the Neubrandenburg pharmacist and businessman Ludwig Siemerling (1791–1853) and his wife Pauline, née. Meyenn (1804–1852), daughter of a Rostock cloth manufacturer. He completed his studies in Jena and was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. In 1848 he took over his father's pharmacy and after his death in 1853 also became the owner of the business. He also worked as a banker and owned the Arnhausen manor in Pomerania.

With its business, Siemerling played a major role in the city's economic development. In 1847 he became a member of the Association of Friends of the Natural Sciences in Mecklenburg. Alongside the Rostock entrepreneurs Friedrich Witte , Carl Josephi, Wilhelm Scheel and others, he was involved in the establishment of the General Mecklenburg Trade Association in 1868 . In 1872 he was one of the founding fathers of the Neubrandenburg Museum Association, which operated what is now the Neubrandenburg Regional Museum in Treptower Tor until the 1930s .

Viktor Siemerling was friends with Fritz Reuter , with the mayors Wilhelm Ahlers and Friedrich Brückner , his brother, the doctor Ludwig Brückner , and with the historians Ernst and Franz Boll . For Fritz Reuter, Siemerling was not only a friend but also a banker. Around 1858 he took over the printing costs for “Kein Hüsung” and granted Reuter financial support for his company trip to Constantinople in 1864. Fritz Reuter set him a literary memorial in “De Reis' near Constantinople” (1868) and in “De Urgeschicht von Meckelnborg ”(1877).

Viktor Siemerling had been with the Malchin merchant daughter Ottilie, born in 1849. Lüders (1826–1903) married, with whom he had five sons and two daughters. The lawyer and district court president Carl Piper (1837-1919), who served as Minister of State of Mecklenburg-Strelitz from 1872 , was his son-in-law.

After Siemerling's death, his widow initially continued the business until his son Peter (1862–1903) took over; the pharmacy had already been sold in 1872. Viktor Siemerling's grave was in the Neubrandenburg Old Cemetery .

Siemerling social award

In recognition of the social commitment of the Siemerling family, the Dreikönigsverein Neubrandenburg eV and its Dreikönigs Foundation have launched the Siemerling Social Prize , a social prize for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania that has been awarded annually since 1994. "It is intended to honor innovative and effective projects and initiatives in the social field and to honor committed people or groups." The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros, in addition to which the winners receive the bronze sculpture "The lamb in an open book" created by the Franciscan Father Laurentius Ulrich Englisch .

The award was named after Christian Siemerling (1719–1796), doctor, pharmacist and businessman and founder of the Neubrandenburg family and his great-grandson Viktor Siemerling, who was "the most distinctive personality of the Siemerling family as a socially active pharmacist, but also as a banker."


  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 9440 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Siemerling Social Prize. on the website of the Dreikönigsverein Neubrandenburg eV