Steeve Briois

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Steeve Briois (2014)

Steeve Briois (born November 28, 1972 in Seclin ) is a French politician of the right-wing extremist Rassemblement National , formerly Front National (FN) and close confidante of Marine Le Pen . He has been mayor of the city of Hénin-Beaumont and a member of the European Parliament since 2014 .

Life and political career

Briois grew up in the north of France and comes from a family who in earlier times lived from mining, which was very common in the region. He attended the local high school in Hénin-Beaumont . From 1990 to 1992 he studied trade at a university of applied sciences and graduated with a BTS technical diploma , the so-called Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) . He then worked in retail until 1997.

Just sixteen years old, he joined in 1988 as the current right-wing National Front party in - in the year in which the founder of the National Front and election candidate Selbiger party Jean-Marie Le Pen in the presidential election in France received 14 percent of the vote. Briois was a supporter of radical ideas and campaigned, among other things, for a reintroduction of the death penalty. In 1995, the then 22-year-old made it into the municipal council of Hénin-Beaumont before he was also elected to the regional council of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region in 1998 . In his offices he was confirmed several times by voters. When he was elected Mayor of Hénin-Beaumont in 2014, he resigned his council mandate after 16 years in office.

In the local elections in 2009 he applied for the office of mayor of Hénin-Beaumont, got into the second round of elections and narrowly failed in this with 47.62% of the vote. In 2011 he received a top position within the party when he was elected general secretary of his party. He stated that until June 30, 2014, he had received between 1,000 and 5,000 euros per month for his work as General Secretary of the FN. At the end of 2013, he was described as homosexual in a book Le Front national des villes et le Front national des champs by Octave Nitkowski . His judicial attempt to prevent the book from appearing was unsuccessful. With regard to marriage between homosexuals, he takes a position that deviates from party opinion and supports it. In spring 2014 he ran again for the mayor's office of Hénin-Beaumont. His candidacy received special support from party leader Marine Le Pen , who cast her own vote in the small town in northern France. Briois received 50.26% of the vote in the first round and was thus the first FN politician to win the chief post in the town hall of a municipality with more than 10,000 inhabitants in the first ballot.

In the 2014 European elections , Briois was elected to the European Parliament . Briois has been a full member of the Regional Development Committee (REGI) since July 1, 2014 - and of the Delegation for Relations with Canada (D-CA) since July 14 of the same year . He was a non-attached member of the European Parliament until he joined the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group on June 15, 2015. From 10 September 2014 until he joined the political group, he was a deputy member of the delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean and of the delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union .

From the end of April to mid-May 2017 he was also acting chairman of the FN; he temporarily represented Marine Le Pen during her unsuccessful presidential candidacy.

Honors and controversies

On January 27, 2015, Le Trombinoscope , a French biography reference work, awarded him the Èlu local de l'année 2014 (German roughly municipal council of the year 2014 ).

[obsolete] Steeve Briois was sued for inciting racial hatred over a tweet he posted in November 2016; the relevant court hearing is to take place in October 2017. In addition, an investigation is pending against him for condescending hate speech against a political rival.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Direct Matin: Qui est Steeve Briois, le maire FN d'Hénin-Beaumont? In: Direct Matin. March 24, 2014, accessed June 26, 2015 (French).
  2. EP: Steeve Briois - CV. In: European Parliament, June 2015, accessed June 26, 2015 .
  3. a b c Mathilde Golla: À Hénin-Beaumont, Steeve Briois, symbole de la poussée du FN. In: Le Figaro. March 26, 2014, accessed June 26, 2015 (French).
  4. a b -Author nb: France: Gay candidate of the Front National becomes mayor. In: March 24, 2014, accessed June 26, 2015 .
  5. ^ L'Express: Le Front national en échec à Hénin-Beaumont. In: L'Express, June 27, 2015, accessed July 5, 2009 (French).
  6. EP: Steeve Brios - Explanations. In: European Parliament, July 2014, accessed June 26, 2015 .
  7. Steve Briois: Déclaration des Intérêts Financiers des Députés (German declaration of the financial interests of MPs). (PDF 100 KB) In: European Parliament, July 2, 2014, accessed June 26, 2015 (French).
  8. a b EP: Steeve Briois - All election terms. In: European Parliament, June 2015, accessed June 26, 2015 .
  9. a b L'Express: Mégretiste repenti, doigt d'honneur ... Cinq choses à savoir sur Steeve Briois , April 28, 2017, accessed on April 28, 2017
  10. ^ Abel Mestre: Des journalistes politiques consacrent un maire FN «élu local de l'année». In: Le Monde. January 27, 2015, accessed June 26, 2015 (French).
  11. Marc Endeweld: Le fiasco de la remise du prix de "l'élu local de l'année" on FN Steeve Briois. In: Marianne, January 28, 2015, accessed June 26, 2015 (French).