Sunda porcupine

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Sunda porcupine
Landak Jawa Hystrix javanica.JPG

Sunda porcupine ( Hystrix javanica )

Order : Rodents (Rodentia)
Subordination : Porcupine relatives (Hystricomorpha)
Partial order : Hystricognathi
Family : Porcupines (Hystricidae)
Genre : Real porcupines ( Hystrix )
Type : Sunda porcupine
Scientific name
Hystrix javanica
Cuvier , 1823

The Sunda porcupine ( Hystrix javanica ) is a type of porcupine from the genus of the real porcupines ( Hystrix ). It occurs on the island of Java , one of the four Great Sunda Islands in Southeast Asia, as well as the offshore islands.


The Sunda porcupine reaches a head-torso length of 45.5 to 66.0 centimeters and the tail length is 6.0 to 17.0 centimeters, it reaches a weight of 8 to 27 kilograms. Like all real porcupines, it is very large for a rodent. The basic color of the animal is brown, but due to the white tips of the spines it appears speckled with white on the sides of the body, back and short tail. The spines on the body are generally poorly developed and the largest spines reach a diameter of 3.5 to 6.1 millimeters and a length of 80 to 155 millimeters. The spines on the back have a wide, dark band 40 to 50 millimeters long and a comparatively short white point 25 to 35 millimeters. This type of spine makes up about 50% of the total amount of spines, giving the animals a dark appearance. On the cheeks, shoulders and sides of the body they have additional bristles with white tips, which, however, are no longer than the spines and do not form a comb. As with all other Hystrix species, the tail spines are reshaped and form a rattle. The hollow spines reach lengths of 15 to 20 millimeters, the diameter is 3.1 to 4.8 millimeters.


Distribution areas of the Sunda porcupine

The Sunda porcupine is endemic to Indonesia on the island of Java , Madura and the Lesser Sunda Islands of Bali , Lombok , Sumbawa , Flores , Rinca and the island of Jampea , which is part of the Salajar Islands .

Way of life

Very little information is available about the way of life of the Sunda porcupine. It occurs mainly in secondary forests and partially disturbed habitats in the lowlands and in mangroves . Like other porcupines, it is likely primarily herbivorous and there is no information available on reproduction or behavior.


The Sunda porcupine is classified as an independent species within the genus of the real porcupines ( Hystrix ), which consists of eight species in Asia and Africa. The first scientific description comes from Frédéric Cuvier from 1823. He indicated Java as the place of origin . Within the genus, the species is placed in the subgenus Acanthion .

Apart from the nominate form, no subspecies are distinguished within the species .

Status, threat and protection

The Sunda porcupine is classified as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). This is justified with the comparatively large distribution area and its regular occurrence. There are no known risks to the company's existence.

supporting documents

  1. a b F. Cuvier: Examen des espèces du genre porc-épic et formation des genres ou sous-genres Acanthion, Eréthizon, Sinèthère et Sphiggure. In: Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle , Volume 9, pp. 413–484, 1823. (digitized version )
  2. a b c d e E.L. Barthelmess: Sunda Porcupine - Hystrix javanica. In: Don E. Wilson, TE Lacher, Jr., Russell A. Mittermeier (editors): Handbook of the Mammals of the World: Lagomorphs and Rodents 1. (HMW, Volume 6), Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2016; P. 326. ISBN 978-84-941892-3-4 .
  3. a b c d Hystrix javanica in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017.2. Posted by: K. Aplin, 2008. Retrieved September 14, 2016.
  4. a b c Hystrix (Acanthion) javanica . In: Don E. Wilson , DeeAnn M. Reeder (Eds.): Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic Reference. 2 volumes. 3. Edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 .


  • EL Barthelmess: Sunda Porcupine - Hystrix javanica. In: Don E. Wilson, TE Lacher, Jr., Russell A. Mittermeier (editors): Handbook of the Mammals of the World: Lagomorphs and Rodents 1. (HMW, Volume 6), Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2016; P. 326. ISBN 978-84-941892-3-4 .

Web links

Commons : Sunda Porcupine ( Hystrix javanica )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files