Timothy Reuter

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Timothy Alan Reuter (born January 25, 1947 in Manchester , † October 14, 2002 in Southampton ) was a German-British historian of medieval history .

After attending school in Newcastle, the grandson of Berlin Mayor Ernst Reuter went to Cambridge for the years 1965 to 1968 and then to Oxford , where he studied medieval history with Karl Leyser . From Leyser he received his doctorate in 1975 on The Papal Schism, the Empire and the West, 1159–1169 . After teaching at the University of Exeter for a decade , he worked for the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) in Munich from 1981 to 1994 , where he worked, among other things, on computer-aided editing techniques and, together with Gabriel Silagi, on oneConcordance of the Decretum Gratiani . At MGH he was responsible for an edition of the letter book of Abbot Wibald von Stablo and contributed to numerous discussions for the specialist journal of the MGH, the German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages . In 1994 he was appointed Full Professor at the University of Southampton . In 2000, he turned down a call to a chair in medieval history in Munich . He was unable to take up the research professorship of the British Academy for research into episcopal diocesan administration in medieval England, which he was offered in 2002 , due to his illness. The father of three children died of a brain tumor in 2002.

Since 2004, the University of Southampton has organized the Reuter Lectures every year since 2004 (previous lecturers include Chris Wickham , Jinty Nelson and Patrick J. Geary ), the lectures of which are published in the series of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Culture .

Reuter became known, among other things, for fundamentally questioning the meaning of the Ottonian-Salian imperial church system , which had been largely consensus in research until then, in an essay in 1982.



  • The Medieval Nobility. Studies on the Ruling Classes of France and Germany from the 6th to the 12th Century. Amsterdam 1979, ISBN 0-444-85136-4
  • Germany in the Early Middle Ages c. 800-1056. London 1991, ISBN 0-582-49034-0 .
  • Medieval Polities and Modern Mentalities. Edited by Janet L. Nelson . Cambridge 2006 (Reuters articles published posthumously).



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  1. Timothy Reuter: The 'Imperial Church System' of the Ottonian and Salian Rulers: a Reconsideration. In: Journal of Ecclastiastical History 33, 1982, pp. 347-374.