Tony Randall

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Tony Randall

Tony Randall , born Arthur Leonard Rosenberg (born February 26, 1920 in Tulsa , Oklahoma , † May 17, 2004 in New York ), was an American film and television actor .

life and work

Randall graduated from Playhouse Acting School in New York City and attended Northwestern University in Evanston , Illinois , where he studied speech and drama . He has appeared in over 50 films and played best friend in comedies with Doris Day and Rock Hudson ( Bed Whispers - 1959, Pajamas for Two - 1961, Send Me No Flowers - 1964) as well as a hapless admirer Kim Novaks ( Sexy! - 1962 ).

In his role in the film The Mysterious Dr. Lao ( 7 Faces of Dr. Lao , 1964) Randall played seven different characters. He appeared only once as Hercule Poirot in The Murders of Mr ABC (1965 - with a brief guest appearance by Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple ).

In Germany he became known, among other things, for the role of Felix Unger in the US television series Männerwirtschaft (orig. The Odd Couple ), which was broadcast by ZDF . "Opponent" was Jack Klugman (later known as Dr. Quincy in the television series Quincy ) as sports journalist Oscar Madison . The series was produced from 1970 to 1975 and was based on Neil Simon 's play of the same name, which had previously been filmed with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau .

He later appeared as Judge Walter B. Franklin on the Tony Randall Show and as a commercial artist in Love, Sidney . 1998 Randall was a star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood dedicated. He was politically active against apartheid and raised money for AIDS aid.

Randall's tombstone, Westchester Hills Cemetery , near New York City

Randall was the founder of the National Actors Theater in New York. He holds the record of being the most frequent guest on presenter David Letterman's Late Show with 70 visits . He married for the second time in 1995, 50 years his junior, Heather Harlan, with whom he had two children. Randall died after a heart operation on 17 May 2004 in New York at a pneumonia .

Book publications

  • In 1989 Randall published his biography Which Reminds Me , a book of stories with anecdotes from his life.
  • In 2005, Jack Klugman published a book about the longstanding friendship with his colleague Tony Randall: Tony And Me: A Story of Friendship. Klugman says of Randall that he was the best friend he ever had. He wrote about their ongoing relationships and how good Randall had been to him after his cancer surgery.


  • 1998: Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • seven nominations for Tony on Broadway
  • 1975: Emmy for men's economy (also four other nominations for his portrayal in the series)
  • 1982/1983: Golden Globe nominations for the series Love, Sidney
  • 1977: Nomination for a Golden Globe for the Tony Randall Show
  • 1960. Nomination for the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor for the film Bed Whispers
  • 1958: Nomination for the Golden Globe for Best Actor for the film Siren in Blond

Filmography (selection)

Tony Randall (2001)


watch TV

  • 1970–1975: Männerwirtschaft ( The Odd Couple , TV series)
  • 1978: The Devil's Loose in Texas (Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid)
  • 1980: The Muppet Show ( The Muppet Show , TV Series)
  • 1985: Wolves never hunt alone (Hitler's SS: Portrait in Evil)
  • 1986: Sunday Drive
  • 1988: Mum is the very best (Save the Dog!)
  • 1989: Murder on the High Seas (The Man in the Brown Suit)

Web links

Commons : Tony Randall  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files