UN Decade of Biological Diversity

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The UN Decade of Biodiversity 2011–2020 ( English United Nations Decade on Biodiversity , philologically translated 'UN Decade of Biodiversity') is an initiative of the United Nations for the explicit conservation of biological diversity worldwide . The Secretary General of the United Nations will coordinate the worldwide activities of the Decade in consultation with the member states of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). He receives support from the Secretariat of the CBD and other biodiversity-related UN conventions as well as relevant UN funds, programs and agencies.

In a declaration, the United Nations called on all states to undertake additional activities for biodiversity and thus for the implementation of the CBD goals during the decade.


With the decade, the United Nations wants to give greater importance to biological diversity and its diverse social, economic, cultural, recreational and aesthetic values. Its importance for sustainable development should also be emphasized.

In October 2010, the representatives of the CBD member states decided on new goals and a new strategy for the protection of biological diversity under the influence of the almost unchecked decline in biodiversity worldwide. Effective and urgent measures should ensure biodiversity worldwide by 2020. To this end, substantial new human, financial and technical resources are to be identified and mobilized worldwide by the 11th CBD Conference of the Parties in India in 2012.

The CBD is the international key instrument for the conservation, sustainable use and ensuring adequate access to the earth's biological resources and a fair sharing of benefits from their use. The United Nations believes that the achievement of these three central goals of the Convention is essential for sustainable development, for overcoming poverty and for maintaining and improving people's living conditions. They are therefore one of the main influencing factors in achieving the internationally recognized global development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals .



In Germany, the UN Decade of Biological Diversity has been helping to achieve the common global goals of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since November 2011. In Germany, these are closely linked to the National Strategy for Biological Diversity (NBS), which was supplemented in October 2015 by the Nature Conservation Offensive 2020 action program . The activities for the UN Decade are intended to sensitize society to the importance of biological diversity and promote commitment to its conservation and its careful use. To this end, the UN Decade advocates cooperation with all relevant social groups and initiatives.


The heart of the activities in Germany is the UN Decade project competition. An expert jury made up of representatives from various social groups selects the UN Decade model projects from the applications. Every week a project is honored that is particularly committed to the conservation, sustainable use or communication of biological diversity. The award is intended to draw attention to exemplary activities, arouse interest in biodiversity and motivate people to take action. The title Excellent Project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity is awarded for two years and extended if it is further developed. From the weekly projects, a project of the month is chosen every month by internet voting . Once a year, the expert jury of the UN Decade selects the project of the year from the monthly projects.

Financing and implementation

The activities for the UN Decade of Biological Diversity in Germany are financed by the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB) and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). An office was set up for operational implementation. This was led from 2011 to 2014 by the Center for Environmental Communication of the German Federal Environment Foundation . In 2015, the nova-Institut in Hürth took over the office and has been looking after it since then in cooperation with the Bonn agency intention.

Main topics

Every two years, the activities of the UN Decade have a special focus. Each of these highlights a different aspect of biological diversity.

The previous main topics:

  • 2012: Enjoy diversity - nature time as leisure
  • 2013–2014: Using diversity - what nature has to offer
  • 2015–2016: Preserving diversity - as a partner to nature
  • 2017–2018: Healthy - With the diversity of nature
  • 2019–2020: Insects - the most species-rich group of animals with important benefits

Ambassador of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity

Prominent public figures and some particularly committed young people support the goals of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity as ambassadors. They are appointed by the Federal Environment Ministry.

Prominent UN Decade Ambassadors
Youth Ambassador of the UN Decade
  • Adina Arth, youth delegate at CBD negotiations and participant in the youth congresses "Youth, Future, Diversity"
  • Alina Dürotin, circle ring master of the German Forest Youth
  • Chiara Knüpfer, leader of a NAJU children's group, participant of the “Youth Conference for Sustainability” 2017 and “ESD Agenda Congress” 2017
  • Gerrit Öhm, UN Decade blogger and expert on hoverflies
  • Justin Müller, young researcher and peat expert
  • Marvin Manzenberger, spokesman for the nationwide Junior Ranger program
  • Svenja Christ, member of the management team of the Young Explorers Program 2018 in the Black Forest National Park
  • Zarah Thiel, member of the organizational team of the Youth Congress Biodiversity 2014

Former youth ambassadors:

  • Christian Schwarzer, youth delegate, spokesman for the follow-up group of the 2011 youth congress
  • Svana Rogalla, youth delegate in CBD negotiations
  • Svenja Fox, wildlife educator in the Black Forest National Park

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Secretary-General informs the world on December 20, 2010
  2. cbd.int: COP 10 (CBD) documents with the Strategic Plan of the UN Decade of Biodiversity, accessed on January 28, 2011
  3. Intentions of the Decade, accessed January 29, 2011
  4. Analysis and goals, accessed on January 29, 2011 (PDF; 202 kB)
  5. Balance of the Conference of the Parties at the end of 2010 (PDF; 69 kB)
  6. Nature Conservation Offensive 2020: For Biodiversity! . Ed. from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety , as of October 2015, accessed on December 8, 2018 (PDF).
  7. UN Decade of Biological Diversity: UN Decade of Ambassadors , accessed on October 27, 2018.