Werner Tübke

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Werner Tübke (1980)

Werner Tübke (born July 30, 1929 in Schönebeck (Elbe) , † May 27, 2004 in Leipzig ) was a German painter and graphic artist . He was one of the most important painters in the GDR and belonged to the so-called Leipzig School with Bernhard Heisig , Wolfgang Mattheuer and Heinz Zander . Tübke was especially popular because of the Peasant War panorama in Bad Frankenhausen about the Peasant Wars in the 16th century.


Werner Tübke was the son of a merchant family, he attended the elementary school in Schoenebeck and in 1939 the local secondary school . As early as 1940 he received private drawing lessons in Magdeburg from the painter Karl Friedrich . He experienced the Second World War as an adolescent, the end of the war rather unspectacular. During the invasion of the Americans in April 1945 "[he] painted watercolors with plants very carefully in his father's garden". On the other hand, his several months' imprisonment from December 1945 to September 1946 by the Soviet occupying forces was a decisive experience . Tübke was wrongly suspected of having committed an assassination attempt on a Soviet soldier.

After an apprenticeship as a painter, attending the master craftsman school in Magdeburg and completing his Abitur in 1946/47, Werner Tübke studied from 1948 to 1950 at the University of Graphic Art (HGB) in Leipzig. The artist Katharina Heise , of whose Schönebeck circle he belonged , exerted a particular influence . In 1950 he switched to studying art education at the Caspar David Friedrich Institute at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald , which he completed in 1953 with the state examination. After working as a research assistant at the Central House for Folk Art in Leipzig in 1953/54 , he worked as a freelance artist from 1954 to 1956 and 1957 to 1963. From 1956 to 1957 he worked as a senior research assistant at the HGB Leipzig before he was dismissed for reasons of art politics. In 1958, as the winner of a competition, he was able to design the Hotel Astoria in Leipzig with his first major work, the murals The Five Continents . The period around 1960 was marked by growing recognition for his work. Tübke began to participate in artistic governing bodies in Leipzig and in 1960 married the painter Angelika Tübke, née. Hennig. He then traveled to the Soviet Union for a year , a. a. the Caucasus and Central Asian Republics.

After his return he was hired again as a senior assistant in Leipzig and in 1964 he was appointed lecturer . In the following years he processed several paintings in the cycle of memoirs of Dr. jur. Schulze the horror of the Nazi rule, in particular its insufficient processing in the FRG. His emblematic, almost symbolist style with many references to Renaissance painting met with strong criticism from the official side. His release in 1968 was only prevented by protests from his students. Between 1970 and 1973 he designed the mural Working Class and Intelligence on the rectorate building of the Karl Marx University in Leipzig . During this time he traveled twice to Italy , studied Renaissance and Baroque painting and achieved international recognition with his solo exhibition there, the first outside the Eastern Bloc (e.g. gold medal at the Florence Graphic Biennale ).

In 1972 he was appointed professor and from 1973 to 1976 he was rector of the Leipzig University of Graphics and Book Art . During his teaching activities he had a formative influence on many of his students, e. B. Ulrich Hachulla , Arno Rink , Wolfgang Peuker , Erich Kissing , Dietrich Wenzel and Eva-Maria Bergmann . During this time he designed, among other things, the polyptych Der Mensch - the measure of all things for the Palace of the Republic . In 1976 he was divorced and married a third time. Tübke was now working as a freelancer again, traveling to many European countries , both on this side and on the other side of the Iron Curtain , with Italy repeatedly attracting his attention. In 1976 he began working on his magnum opus : the Frankenhausen Peasant War Panorama . The gigantic circular painting 14 meters high and 120 meters in circumference with the official title Early Bourgeois Revolution in Germany was created on behalf of the GDR Ministry of Culture in memory of the German Peasants' War , in whose revolutionary tradition they saw themselves. It took Tübke and his assistants, including Matthias Steier , eleven years (with interruptions) to make it come true .

Tübke's tombstone in the south cemetery in Leipzig

Nevertheless, he continued to travel a lot, took part in the Documenta in 1977 , received numerous awards in West and East, met a.o. a. Ernst Fuchs , Giorgio de Chirico , Rudolf Hausner and Martin Walser . The Peasants' War Opus was completed in 1987 and finally inaugurated in 1989. In 1988 he traveled to the USA for the first time . He processed the uneasy turning point in pictures such as Herbst '89 (1990) and Confusion (1991) and reflected on his own past in 1993 in The Old Fool is Dead . During the 1990s he only designed two larger works: the set and the costumes for Gian-Carlo del Monaco's staging of Weber's Freischütz in Bonn in 1993 and the winged altar of St. Salvatoris zu Clausthal-Zellerfeld in the Upper Harz , often due to the explicitly religious motifs regarded as one of his most intimate works. In 1997 Tübke fell seriously ill. His recovery in 1998 was followed by his last trips, mainly to Italy . After another illness, Werner Tübke died on May 27, 2004 in Leipzig .

Tübke was married to the lawyer Brigitte Tübke-Schellenberger for the third time in 1976. He had three children, including the painter and graphic artist Claudia Tübke (* 1954) from his first marriage to the art student Anneliese Heer (1952–1959) and the photographer Albrecht Tübke (* 1971) from his second marriage to the painter Angelika Tübke . Tübke donated his life's work to the Germanic National Museum in his will, and these are exhibited in a permanent exhibition in his former domicile and studio, the Villa Tübke in Leipzig Springerstraße 5. Tübke was buried in the Leipzig South Cemetery. In May 2006 the Tübke Foundation Leipzig was brought into being.


His style did not correspond to socialist realism , as is sometimes assumed , but to a magical realism with surreal features. He regarded Lucas Cranach and Albrecht Dürer as his artistic role models . In addition to the panorama of the Peasants' War, the painting “Death in Venice” is one of his most famous works. Tübke's painting style was characterized by mannerist distortion and the often anciently dressed figures.


In 1982 Tübke (left) explains the 1:10 version of the Peasants' War panorama to members of the
Politburo in the Albertinum

In 1976 Werner Tübke was commissioned by the GDR Ministry of Culture with one of the largest art projects of the 20th century. In honor of Thomas Müntzer and in memory of the Battle of Frankenhausen , a monumental panorama painting was to be created under his direction for a memorial on the Schlachtberg near Bad Frankenhausen. There Müntzer's last comrades-in-arms were finally crushed by an aristocratic and mercenary army, and the legacy of the rebels should also be remembered there. However, he was able to enforce his ideas against the client. He did not create a conventional battle picture, but a historical-philosophical series of pictures for an entire epoch.

From 1976 on, Tübke took a leave of absence from his university career. He studied Renaissance painting until 1978, made sketches and smaller pictures, and in 1979 made a 1:10 model version, which he used as a projection for the round picture. The work of Tübke and his helpers on the monumental painting spanned eight years. Tubke stood on the scaffolding ten hours a day. In 1987 the panorama painting with more than 3000 figures was finished and the painter was exhausted, a self-portrait is included in the picture as a harlequin.

The West German art historian Eduard Beaucamp interpreted the 14-meter × 123-meter circular painting entitled “Early bourgeois revolution in Germany” as a “historical parable of human trials and tribulations”. The work transcends the historical reality of the peasant war "into the timelessness of the apocalyptic creation of the world or its fall". Beyond the artist's life experiences, the work becomes a mirror of a transitional period disappointed by utopias.

On the occasion of his 80th birthday, the Leipzig Museum of Fine Arts held a retrospective with around 90 paintings in 2009. The exhibition was then shown in the Kunstforum der Berliner Volksbank , the Stiftung Kunstforum der Berliner Volksbank .

In a panel discussion with Rudolf Hiller von Gaertringen , Eduard Beaukamp, Michael Triegel and Lutz Hahn in December 2019 on the occasion of his 90th birthday at the University of Leipzig, his mural Working Class and Intelligence was remembered. The Tübke painting is in the lecture hall building and is important for the history of the University of Leipzig.

Factory locations

Villa Tübke in Leipzig-Gohlis , Tübke Foundation and Museum. Werner Tübke lived and worked here from 1977 to 2004.


  • Werner Tübke: Methodological manual . Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 1954
  • Werner Tübke: Reformation, Revolution. Panorama Frankenhausen. Monumental image . Verlag der Kunst, Dresden 1988, ISBN 3-364-00043-3 .
  • Werner Tübke: I'll start with the sky. Watercolors and texts . Book guild Gutenberg, Frankfurt 1991, ISBN 3-7632-3974-X
  • Werner Tübke: hand drawings and watercolors . Seemann Successor Verlag, Leipzig 1992
  • Werner Tübke: The painterly work, directory of the paintings 1976 to 1999 . Husum 1999, ISBN 90-5705-136-2
  • Werner Tübke: Watercolors . Philo Verlagsgesellschaft, 2004, ISBN 3-364-00405-6
  • Werner Tübke: Master sheets . Prestel Verlag, Munich, 2004. ISBN 3-7913-3188-4
  • Werner Tübke: Sketchbook 1952 . Plöttner Verlag , Leipzig, 2010. ISBN 978-3-938442-85-2

Works in churches and museums

The 4.2 × 4 m winged altar from 1997 in the St. Salvatoris Church in Clausthal-Zellerfeld also made Tübke better known in western Germany. The crucifixion of Christ can be seen on the central panel, on the left Mary with the child and on the right the resurrection of Christ. The lower panels show the entombment framed by two angels, on the left an angel kneeling and looking up in the light and on the right the bending angel of death of the Last Judgment . The double doors of the altar are closed during the Passion and Advent season, so that the viewer can then look at the Paradise Garden and a scene of the Lord's Supper.

In Würzburg , two works by Tübke are exhibited in the church museum at the cathedral : “Pre-version with cog” from 1978 (including a scene of the crucifixion) in mixed media on wood and “Reminder” from 1966 in tempera on canvas.

Catalog raisonné

Tübke, Brigitte (arrangement): Werner Tübke. The graphic works 1950–1990. Volume II: The graphic work 1991–2002. Düsseldorf, Edition GS [Günter Söhn] 1991/2002. - Lt. Publication marks were printed from Volume I 1,200 (of which 200 preferred copies), and from Volume II 400 (thereof 100 preferred copies).

The Tübke catalog raisonné includes (as of June 2007) several thousand drawings, more than 500 watercolors and 353 paintings.

Awards and honors


  • Werner Tübke - watercolors, drawings , Galerie Hotel Leipziger Hof , 1994
  • Werner Tübke - master sheets. Schleswig-Holstein State Museums Foundation, Gottorf Castle , July 18 - September 26, 2004.
  • Werner Tübke. Paintings and drawings. Villa Wessel in Iserlohn, August 26, 2006 - October 8, 2006.
  • Tübke. The retrospective for the 80th birthday. Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig June 14th - September 13th 2009.
  • Werner Tübke. The sketchbooks. Leipzig University Library , July 11 - October 16, 2011.


-- Alphabetical --

  • Eduard Beaucamp , Annika Michalski, Frank Zöllner (eds.): Tübke Foundation Leipzig. Inventory catalog of drawings and watercolors. Plöttner Verlag, Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-938442-73-9 .
  • Eduard Beaucamp: Werner Tübke. Master sheets . Edited by Herwig Guratzsch . Prestel, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7913-3188-4 , exhibition catalog.
  • Eduard Beaucamp: Werner Tübke . In: artist. Critical lexicon of contemporary art . Munich 1992.
  • Eduard Beaucamp: Werner Tübke. Working class and intelligence. A contemporary test of history. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1985, ISBN 978-3-596-23922-1 .
  • Harald Behrendt: The panorama picture in Bad Frankenhausen. "Early bourgeois revolution" by Werner Tübke. Its history of ideas, origins, interpretation and communication . Ludwig, Kiel 2006, ISBN 3-937719-21-0 ; at the same time: Dissertation from the University of Kiel , 2002, microfiche, graph. Darst.
  • Irma Emmrich: Werner Tübke. Creativity and Heritage. A study of the reception of Christian imagery in the artist's work . Union-Verlag, Berlin 1976
  • Edwin Kratschmer : Tübke's super picture preserve . In: Structures of Reality. Magazine for culture, science and spirituality . 2001, ISSN  1616-4660 .
  • Kirsten Leuenroth (Ed.): Werner Tübke - Last visit to the studio. Catalog raisonné of the paintings 1999–2004 . Edition Galerie Schwind, Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3-932830-47-4 .
  • Erich Loest : Tübke's fatal model . In: Germany Archive , vol. 43, 2010, no. 1, pp. 28–30.
  • Stefanie Max (Ed.): Werner Tübke. Drawings 1955–1961. With a contribution by Günter Meißner. Galerie Schwind, Leipzig 2007, ISBN 3-932830-57-1 .
  • Stefanie Max (Ed.): Werner Tübke. Drawings 1980–1989. With a contribution by Karl-Siegbert Rehberg . Edition Galerie Schwind, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 3-932830-58-X .
  • Günter Meißner : Werner Tübke. Life and work . Seemann, Leipzig 1989, 400 pages, numerous. Fig., ISBN 3-363-00417-6 .
  • Günter Meißner: Werner Tübke "theatrum mundi" "Early bourgeois revolution in Germany" . VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden 1989, (can be ordered from the museum shop ( Memento of October 30, 2004 in the Internet Archive ).)
    18 art prints of the Peasant War panorama with explanations by G. Meißner.
  • Günter Meißner, Gerhard Murza: Peasants' War and Last Judgment. Seemann, Leipzig 1995 (Contains recordings of the original painting in image excerpts, combined with a detailed interpretation of the encrypted image content.)
  • Annika Michalski, Eduard Beaucamp (ed.): Werner Tübke. My heart feels optically. From the diaries, sketches and notes. Wallstein, Göttingen 2017, ISBN 978-3-8353-3036-8 .
  • Annika Michalski, Frank Zöllner (ed.): Tübke Foundation Leipzig. Inventory catalog of the paintings. Plöttner Verlag, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-938442-46-3 .
  • Berthold Naumann: Rationality and inwardness. Strategies for dealing with social reality in the work of Hans Haacke , KH Hödicke , Matt Mullican and Werner Tübke. Publishing house and database for the humanities VDG, Weimar 2004, 340 pp., 70 illustrations, ISBN 3-932124-26-X .
  • Museum Giersch (Ed.): Mattheuer, Tübke, Triegel - A Frankfurt Private Collection . Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 3-935283-14-8 .
  • Kristina Radday: Werner Tübke's winged altar in the St. Salvatoris Church in Clausthal-Zellerfeld. An iconological interpretation . Oberharzer Geschichts- und Museumsverlag, 1997, 17 color images, ISBN 3-9805522-3-3 .
  • Anke Scharnhorst:  Tübke, Werner . In: Who was who in the GDR? 5th edition. Volume 2. Ch. Links, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86153-561-4 .


  • 1980: Leipzig / Springerstrasse. Werner Tübke. Documentary, BR Germany, 45 min., Script and director: Klaus Peter Dencker , production: Saarländischer Rundfunk .
  • 1987: Tübkes theatrum mundi. Documentary, GDR, 60 min., Production: DEFA . Text: Günter Meißner
    - available in the museum shop ( Memento from October 30, 2004 in the Internet Archive ); documents the time when the museum and the Peasant War panorama were created with an introductory image interpretation.
  • 1988: Battle of the Picture . Documentary, GDR, 20 min., Director: Ted Tetzke, production: DEFA
    - available in the museum shop; Documentation of the creation of the monumental image with interview passages by Werner Tübke.
  • 1991: Werner Tübke. From the adventure of finding a picture. Documentation, Germany, 53 min., Director: Reiner E. Moritz , production: RM Arts, Arthaus Musik GmbH 2009, ISBN 978-3-939873-36-5 .
  • 1999: The painter Werner Tübke. The imagery of a great master. TV report, Germany, 30 min., Director: Bernd C. Langnickel, production: Format Film, second broadcast: 3sat , February 25, 2002.
  • 2002: Witnesses of the Century . Werner Tübke in conversation with Anne Linsel , first broadcast: November 3, 2002, production: ZDF .
  • 2004: 1000 masterpieces . Werner Tübke: Memoirs of Dr. jur. Schulze (III) (1965). 10 min., Image interpretation, first broadcast: October 29, 2004, production: Bayerischer Rundfunk .
  • 2012: Tübke's World Theater - 25 Years of the Peasant War Panorama. Documentary, Germany, 29:30 min., Script and director: Daniel Baumbach, production: MDR , first broadcast: October 16, 2012 on MDR, synopsis from MDR, ( memento from October 19, 2012 in the Internet Archive ).
  • 2017: Peasant War Panorama Bad Frankenhausen - The work of the century by Werner Tübke. Documentary, Germany, 29:26 min., Script and director: Daniel Baumbach, production: MDR, series: Der Osten - Discover where you live , first broadcast: March 7, 2017 on MDR television , synopsis from MDR, online video.
  • 2017: Tübke's diaries: A great painter thinking about himself. TV report, Germany, 2017, 6:24 min., Script and direction: Meinhard Michael, production: MDR , editor: ttt - titel, thesen, temperamente , first broadcast : October 22, 2017 at Das Erste , table of contents by ARD , online video available until October 23, 2018.

Web links

Commons : Werner Tübke  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files



Individual evidence

  1. In: Hans-Werner Schmidt (Ed.): Tübke - The retrospective for the 80th birthday . With contributions by Eduard Beaucamp. Seemann , Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-86502-228-8 , p. 40 (r.)
  2. ^ Günter Meißner : Werner Tübke: life and work . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1989, ISBN 3-363-00417-6 , p. 19.
  3. Claudia Tübke's website
  4. Albrecht Tübke's website - tuebke.info
    "Germany is not the center of photography". ( Memento from March 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). In: Bildwerk3 , December 2, 2008, Marko Radloff in conversation with Albrecht Tübke.
  5. guided tours. ( Memento of the original from February 15, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / tuebke-stiftung-leipzig.de archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Tübke Foundation Leipzig , accessed on March 8, 2017.
  6. ^ Eduard Beaucamp : Werner Tübke is dead. In: FAZ , May 28, 2004.
  7. quoted in: Present, nothing but remembered past. ( Memento from February 6, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ) In: kirchengemeinde-zellerfeld.de , 2004.
  8. Big Werner Tübke show in Leipzig. ( Memento from September 23, 2009 in the Internet Archive ). In: MDR , June 14, 2009.
  9. Andreas Kilb : Like a chip in a world fire . FAZ , June 16, 2009, archived from the original on December 3, 2013 . ;.
  10. Michael Zajonz: Werner Tübke: The saint with the brush . In: Tagesspiegel , October 4, 2009.
  11. ^ Working class and intelligentsia. In: University of Leipzig. Retrieved December 12, 2019 .
  12. Pumped full of Italy. In: LVZ. Retrieved December 12, 2019 .
  13. ^ Tübke Foundation Leipzig. In: tuebke-stiftung-leipzig.de .
  14. The Zellerfeld winged altar by Werner Tübke in the St. Salvatoris Church. ( Memento of the original from September 14, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / kirchengemeinde-zellerfeld.wir-e.de archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: kirchengemeinde-zellerfeld.wir-e.de , May 26, 2015, ( scroll down ).
  15. ^ Image: Pre-version with cog, 1978. In: Museum am Dom (Würzburg) , accessed on March 8, 2017.
  16. Image: Reminder, 1966. In: Museum am Dom (Würzburg) , accessed on March 8, 2017.
  17. Leipzig Council Assembly of May 18, 2011 (resolution no. RBV-822/11), official announcement: Leipzig Official Journal no. 11 of June 4, 2011, in force since July 5, 2011 and August 5, 2011. Cf. Leipzig Official Journal No. 16 of September 10, 2011. ( Memento of the original of March 12, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. P. 10, (PDF; 7.8 MB). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.leipzig.de
  18. a b Werner Tübke - master sheets. Exhibition in Gottorf Castle , July 18 - September 26, 2004.
  19. ^ Exhibition in the Villa Wessel in Iserlohn , August 26 - October 8, 2006.
  20. Tübke Retrospective 2009 ( Memento of the original from April 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mdbk.de archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. in the Museum of Fine Arts in Leipzig.
  21. ^ Exhibition of Tübke's sketchbooks in the Leipzig University Library , 2011.