Wolfgang Beutin

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Wolfgang Beutin (born April 2, 1934 in Bremen ) is a German writer , literary and linguist .

The photo shows the writer and scientist Wolfgang Beutin in 2014.
Wolfgang Beutin 2014.

Origin and family

Paul-Wolfgang Ludwig Beutin was born on April 2, 1934 in Bremen as the eldest son of the bank clerk Paul and the clerk Charlotte Beutin. His uncle was the social and economic historian Ludwig Beutin . Beutin grew up in Bremen, Güstrow , Berlin and Breslau and was strongly influenced by the experiences of the Second World War , which he processed in his novels, for example in "The Year in Güstrow". Wilhelm Raabe , Wilhelm Busch and Fritz Reuter were authors who u. a. brought up by his grandfather. In the post-war period he worked in various temporary jobs, including a. as a messenger of flowers. In addition to his scientific and literary work, he was or is a. active in the peace movement , in trade unions ( ver.di , GEW ) and in various literary societies (e.g. Fritz Reuter Society , Forum Vormärz Research, Kurt Hiller Society , Oswald-von-Wolkenstein Society , collaboration with Kurt Tucholsky Society ) . Beutin has been married to the science journalist, local politician and trade unionist ( ver.di ) Heidi Beutin for the second time since 1978 . His son Olaf from his first marriage works as an architect, his son Lorenz Gösta Beutin from his second marriage as a member of the Bundestag since 2017.


Wolfgang Beutin went a. a. in Bremen to secondary school and passed the Abitur in 1953. He studied German and history at the Universities of Hamburg and Saarbrücken and received his doctorate in 1963 with the dissertation "Kings and nobility in the historical novels of Willibald Alexis ". phil. As early as 1960, together with Theodor W. Adorno , Georg Borchardt and Klaus Paulmann, he took a position against the " Association of German Tonkünstler und Musiklehrer " (VDTM) in an article entitled " Jews undesirable" because it marked the 100th birthday of the composer Gustav Mahler and the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's 150th birthday . During his student days, Beutin was particularly influenced by the activist and writer Kurt Hiller , who had returned to Hamburg from exile in 1955 . Kurt Hiller worked on Beutin's hectographed magazine “LYNX”.

Scientific and literary activity


Beutin's main focus in teaching and research is the literary history of the early modern period and the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, women's mysticism , psychoanalytic literary studies and erotic literature . He is the author of numerous monographs and essays as well as a contributor to anthologies such as “ Christianity in the Judgment of His Opponents” (1969/71) by Karlheinz Deschner , or to standard works such as “German History of Literature. From the beginnings to the present ”(first edition 1979), which has been translated into numerous languages ​​and is now in its ninth edition.

From 1963 to 1968 Beutin was a research assistant to Ulrich Pretzel , and from 1971 to 1999 he was a lecturer in the Germanic seminar (today "Institute for German Studies") at the University of Hamburg. In 1973 he was visiting professor in Göttingen , and from 1990 to 2006 he was visiting professor in the field of language criticism at the University of Lüneburg . In 1996 he completed his habilitation at the University of Bremen with a study on " Sexuality and Obscenity " and has been a private lecturer since then .

Together with Wolffheim's daughter Franziska, Beutin dedicated an anthology and an exhibition and lecture series at the University of Hamburg in 2012/2013 to the poet and literary scholar Hans Wolffheim (1904–1973). In 2018 the volume “Fanfares of a new freedom. German intellectuals and the November Revolution ”. “The book reads like a 'who's who' of intellectuals during the revolution and the early Weimar Republic. A real treasure trove ”, judged the critic Werner Abel . From the 1970s to 1999, his professional career was accompanied by various labor court disputes in the course of the professional bans in the Federal Republic of Germany, which ended in 1999 with a settlement and payment of damages by the University of Hamburg. Beutin processed the case literarily in his book "Das Hamburger Totengericht" (2011). The accusation was "para-scientific" because he combined Marxist literary theory with psychoanalytic text research.


Novels, essays, aphorisms as well as radio and television plays are part of Beutin's fiction activity. His novels mostly deal with historical topics, for example on the Bremen Soviet Republic and Johann Knief . In several novels, beginning with the "Year in Güstrow" (1985), he processes autobiographical experiences and family history - the story of the Beelzow family. He devoted himself to the story of the clergyman Leonhard Roth , who, as a former prisoner of the Dachau concentration camp , made an outstanding contribution to the construction of the memorial. a. in the radio play "A good angel is sawed off" (1964) and in 1978 in his novel "Unwahns Papiere". On the 50th anniversary of Father Roth's death, Beutin gave a lecture in Dachau on the journalistic and scientific processing of the case.

Reception and awards

The literary critic Hans Wollschläger wrote in 1999 on the occasion of his resignation from teaching at the University of Hamburg:

“To praise in (your life's work) is the, musically understood, precise compositional technique of your style, which enables the precision of the thoughts to conform, but to praise no less a trait that I would like to add to the characteristic of clarity: the Philanthropy, with which your knowledge is transmitted and in which those who know you can see you speak alive. (…) As a teacher, you have taught to read, to read words and deeds correctly; the world itself has become more readable through your work. "

In 1956 and 1957, Beutin was awarded the Kurt Tucholsky Prize.



Monographs (selection)

  • Royalty and nobility in the historical novels of Willibald Alexis. Berlin 1966 (Philological Studies and Sources 37).
  • " German Lesson " by Siegfried Lenz . A criticism. With an appendix: Preschool for Writing, Hamburg 1970.
  • The survival of old word meanings in modern German literature until around 1800, Hamburg 1972.
  • Literature and psychoanalysis . Approaches to a psychoanalytical text interpretation, Munich 1972 (Nymphenburger Texte zur Wissenschaft 7).
  • The radical doctor Martin Luther . A controversy and reading book, Cologne 1982 (Small Library, Vol. 271).
  • Sexuality and profanity. A literary psychological study of epic poems from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance , Würzburg 1990.
  • Barlach or Access to the Unconscious . A critical study, Würzburg 1994.
  • From the Middle Ages to the Modern . Vol. 1: On the literary history of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque, Hamburg 1994.
  • From the Middle Ages to the Modern. Vol. 1 (On the literary history of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque) and 2: (From the Enlightenment to the 19th Century), Hamburg 1994.
  • Eros , Eris . Contributions to literary psychology , language and ideology criticism , Stuttgart 1994 (Stuttgart theses on German studies).
  • (together with Heidi Beutin ) The Lion Knight in the Age of Enlightenment. Gerhard Anton Halem's Iwein version "Ritter Twein", a contribution to the poetic reception of the Middle Ages in the 18th century. In the appendix: Halem's poetry "Ritter Twein", text of the edition from 1789, Göppingen 1994 (GAG, No. 595).
  • The democrat Fritz Reuter . Hamburg 1995 (Mecklenburg Profile, Vol. 2).
  • On the history of the idea of ​​peace since Immanuel Kant . Hamburg 1996.
  • ANIMA. Investigations into the mysticism of women in the Middle Ages. Part 1: Problems of Mystic Research - Mystic Research as a Problem, Frankfurt / M. etc. 1997 (BB, Vol. 19).
  • ANIMA. Investigations into the mysticism of women in the Middle Ages. Part 2: History of ideas, theology and aesthetics, Frankfurt / M. etc. 1998 (BB, vol. 23).
  • ANIMA. Investigations into the mysticism of women in the Middle Ages. Part 3: Depth Psychology - Mystics, Frankfurt / M. 1999.
  • (Together with Heidi Beutin) Gutter art? On the controversy surrounding literary modernity during the imperial era in Germany and Austria, Frankfurt a. M. 2004 (Bremen contributions to the history of literature and ideas; Vol. 44).
  • Aphrodite's return. Contributions to the history of erotic literature from antiquity to modern times, Frankfurt a. M. 2005.
  • The Grass case . A German debacle, Frankfurt a. M. 2008.
  • Award-winning. Twelve authors from Paul Heyse to Herta Müller . Selected works, critically examined, Frankfurt a. M. 2012.
  • Karl Kraus or The Defense of Mankind, Frankfurt a. M. u. a. 2012 (Bremen contributions to the history of literature and ideas; vol. 63).
  • Mechanisms of trivial literature . On the mode of action of popular entertainment reading, Frankfurt a. M. 2015.
  • (together with Heidi Beutin) Fanfares of a new freedom. German intellectuals and the November Revolution , Darmstadt 2018.
  • The literature of the Reformation and the Reformation in German-language literature, Berlin a. a. 2019 (Bremen contributions to the history of literature and ideas; Volume 67).

Editorships (selection)

  • (together with Lars Lambrecht ) Franz Mehring - historian of philosophy, the labor movement and literature. Hamburg 1991.
  • (Ed. Together with Thomas Bütow) Gottfried August Bürger (1747–1794). Contributions to the conference on the 200th anniversary of his death, from June 7th to 9th, 1994 in Bad Segeberg , Frankfurt / M. etc. 1994 (BB, vol. 13).
  • (Ed. Together with Thomas Bütow) Barlach Studies. The presentations of the Güstrower Barlach conference on the occasion of his 125th birthday on January 2, 1995, Hamburg 1995 (Mecklenburg Profile, Vol. 1).
  • (Ed. Together with Klaus Lüders) Freedom through Enlightenment : Johann Heinrich Voß (1751–1826). Materials from a conference of the Mecklenburg Foundation (Ratzeburg) and the Association of German Writers (Northern District) in Lauenburg / Elbe on 23-25. April 1993, Frankfurt / M. 1995.
  • (Ed.) Hommage à Kant. Kant's work " To Eternal Peace ", Hamburg 1996.
  • (Ed. Together with W. Hoppe) Franz Mehring (1846–1919). Contributions to the conference from November 8th to 9th, 1996 in Hamburg on the occasion of his 150th birthday, Frankfurt / M. etc. (BB, vol. 20).
  • (Ed. Together with Thomas Bütow) European mysticism from the High Middle Ages to the Baroque. A key epoch in the European mentality, spirituality and individuation development, contributions from the 1996 and 1997 conferences of the Ev. Ak. Northern Elbe in Bad Segeberg, Frankfurt / M. etc. 1998 (BB, vol. 21).
  • (Ed. Together with Rüdiger Schütt) "First of all, ANTICONSERVATIVE". Kurt Hiller (1885–1972), Hamburg 1998.
  • (Ed. Together with Thomas Bütow, Johann Dvorák , Ludwig Fischer) "Emancipation was the great task of our life". Contributions to Heinrich-Heine research on the occasion of his 200th birthday in 1997, Hamburg 1999.
  • (Ed. Together with Peter Stein) Willibald Alexis (1798–1871). Bielefeld 1999.
  • (Ed. Add. With W. Hoppe and Franklin Kopitzsch ) The German Revolution of 1848 /49 and northern Germany. Frankfurt / M. 1999.
  • (Ed. Together with Gerd Biegel and others) "Lover of theology". Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - philosopher - historian of religion, Frankfurt a. M. 2012 (Braunschweig Contributions to Cultural History; Vol. 3).
  • (Ed. Together with Franziska Wolffheim) "Maybe I also see too deeply into things". Hans Wolffheim (1904–1973) - university professor, literary critic, author, Munich 2013.

Articles and contributions (selection)

  • "A certain mountain air of justice". The papal encyclical as a rhetorical work of art, in: Wolfgang George (Ed .: Laudato si ' ): Scientists respond to the encyclical of Pope Francis , pp. 39–54.
  • About the introduction of ' pansexualism ' and class struggle into the sanctuary. Or: In what light of old German studies in Hamburg a pending reorientation appeared, in: Wolfram Mauser, Carl Pietzcker: Literature and Psychoanalysis. Memories as the building blocks of a history of science , Würzburg 2008, pp. 107–131.
  • Humanism and Reformation, in: German history of literature. From the beginning to the present, by Wolfgang Beutin, Matthias Beilein, Klaus Ehlert u. a., 9., act. and exp. Ed., Stuttgart 2019, pp. 59-102.


Novels, short stories, collections (selection)

  • Invectives, inventions. Wiesbaden 1971 (Limes nova 33).
  • Come back don Juan! Also an anti-novel, Darmstadt 1974.
  • Unwahns papers. Fischerhude 1978.
  • The year in Güstrow. Dortmund 1985.
  • The wanderer in the wind. About the thick and thin periods in the life of the building inspector Heinrich Beelzow, a native of Mecklenburg, who later moved to Bremen, Hamburg 1991.
  • Stories, Neumünster 2010 (series of Beutin texts, vol. 1).
  • Hilleriana. Studies on the life and work of Kurt Hiller (1885–1972), Neumünster 2010 (series of Beutin texts, vol. 2).
  • Don Juan comes again, Neumünster 2010 (series of Beutin texts, vol. 3).
  • The Hamburger Totengericht, Neumünster 2011 (series of Beutin texts, vol. 4).
  • Margarete Mahn, the red mayor. A biographical novel, Neumünster 2011 (series Beutin texts, vol. 5)
  • Der Nebler, Neumünster 2013 (series of Beutin texts, vol. 6)
  • Knief or The Great Black Bird's Swinging, Würzburg 2003
  • "Alarm for the German Bight", Neumünster 2016 (series of Beutin texts, vol. 7).

Editorships and anthologies (selection)

  • (together with a BdWi working group ) You can study in peace with us! Bundeswehr University. College of the nation? Hamburg 1973.
  • (together with Brigitte Becher, Horst Bethge and others) Integration or dissolution of the Bundeswehr universities? Cologne 1975 (booklets on contemporary political issues 24).
  • The successful fight for "Zuginsfeld". The dispute about the internal freedom of broadcasting and the implementation of Art. 5 GG in the FRG (...), ed. from AK media policy at the German Peace Union , Hamburg 1975. 12. Language criticism - style criticism. An introduction, Stuttgart etc. 1976.
  • (together with Thomas Metscher and Barbara Meyer) Professional ban. A German reading book, Fischerhude 1976.
  • (Ed. Together with Christian Schaffernicht) Declaration of Peace. A reading book, Fischerhude 1982.
  • (together with Ruprecht Großmann and Klaus Hübotter ) 100 x Kurt Hiller. 1885–1985, Hamburg 1985.
  • (together with Heidi Beutin and Bodo Brücher) Forward after setbacks. Lorenz Knorr . In the fight for a humane world. Lorenz Knorr on his 70th birthday, Hamburg 1991.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Wolfgang Beutin - Munzinger biography. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  2. ^ Rolf Blase: Germanist, Historian, Belletrist | shz.de. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  3. Adorno, Beutin, Borchardt, Paulmann: Jews undesirable? In: Zeit Online. January 29, 1960, accessed on May 17, 2020 (German).
  4. Kurt Hiller Wolfgang Beutin. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  5. Ulrike Schwalm: Aphrodite irritates the Germanist. March 17, 2006, accessed April 1, 2020 (German).
  6. University of Bremen: Faculty 10. Accessed April 1, 2020 .
  7. a b Wolfgang Beutin: On the introduction of 'pansexualism' and the class struggle into the sanctuary. Or: In what light of old German studies in Hamburg a pending reorientation appeared, in: Wolfram Mauser, Carl Pietzcker: Literature and Psychoanalysis. Memories as building blocks of a history of science, Würzburg 2008, pp. 107–131, here p. 108.
  8. ^ Rolf Blase: Germanist, Historian, Belletrist | shz.de. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  9. ^ University of Hamburg: PDF document for the Wolffheim exhibition. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  10. Harald Klix: The couple is writing a book on the German revolution. November 27, 2018, accessed April 1, 2020 (German).
  11. Werner Abel: The crack went through families (new Germany). Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  12. ^ Judgment of the dead Wolfgang Beutin. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  13. Alexander Bahar: Interview with Wolfgang Beutin in the daily newspaper Junge Welt. In: https://www.jungewelt.de/ . Junge Welt, June 9, 2012, accessed April 1, 2020 .
  14. Ulrike Schwalm: Wolfgang Beutin writes about love and revolution. March 5, 2004, accessed April 1, 2020 (German).
  15. ^ The year in Güstrow. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  16. ^ Rolf Blase: Germanist, Historian, Belletrist | shz.de. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .
  17. ^ Father Leonhard Roth in literature. October 14, 2010, accessed April 1, 2020 .
  18. Hans Wollschläger: Some marginal notes for Wolfgang Beutin on resignation, in: Wolfgang Beutin: The revolution occurs in literature. Contributions to the history of literature and ideas from Thomas Müntzer to Primo Levi, Frankfurt a. M. u. a. 1999 (Bremen contributions to literature and the history of ideas, vol. 28), pp. 11–24, here p. 19.
  19. Wolfgang Beutin - WHO'S WHO biography. Retrieved April 1, 2020 .