Throwing knife

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Throwing knife
Throwing Knife Collection
Weapon type: Knife, throwing weapon
Designations: Throwing knives, national and type designations
Use: Sport, weapon
Region of origin /
Distribution: Worldwide
Overall length: from about 20 cm
Handle: Wood, metal, plastics , including carbon fiber reinforced
Lists on the subject

A throwing knife is a throwing weapon that is designed to be thrown in a targeted manner thanks to its special shape and precise weight distribution.


Throwing knives are adapted to the special requirements: They are made of a material that is sufficiently flexible not to break even when hitting hard targets unfavorably. Spring steels are well suited .

Depending on the use, blunt (sport) or sharp (hunting) blades are used. The center of gravity is roughly in the middle of the throwing knife in order to achieve uniform flight characteristics. Unbalanced knives are always handled at the lighter end. Throwing knives weighing less than 200 g are not used by professional athletes because their flight is difficult to control. Heavy throwing knives, which are often front-heavy and sharp, are preferred in the US.

See also


Web links

Commons : Throwing Knife  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Throwing knife  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations