Customs crane

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Customs crane on the banks of the Moselle

The customs crane , also known as the old customs crane or the younger Mosel crane , is a port crane in Trier . The baroque stone building with double boom stands on the right bank of the Moselle near the main customs office .


The customs crane was built in 1774 at the behest of the Trier magistrate according to plans by Johannes Seiz as a stone treading tower crane with double wheels , a crane pillar (imperial tree ), a 360 ° rotatable conical roof with two balance arms and a chain with a single pulley . There is a rectangular extension on the north side. The construction of the crane served to relieve the 360 ​​years older, still one-armed old crane 250 m down the Moselle, which was in great need of repair at the time and was not repaired until 1778 and provided with a second boom. In contrast to this, the customs crane is provided with a round, protruding Rondell foundation. In 1944 the customs crane was damaged. In 1984 it was renovated.

See also

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Commons : Zollkran (Trier)  - Collection of pictures

Coordinates: 49 ° 45 ′ 14.2 "  N , 6 ° 37 ′ 40.6"  E