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Wikipedia:Speedy deletions

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Phuny200 (talk | contribs) at 17:15, 7 February 2007 (→‎Advice for administrators). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This page provides an overview of Wikipedia's speedy deletion process, by which administrators may delete pages immediately. For more information, please read our deletion policy.

Requesting speedy deletion

Before making a speedy deletion request, please read our criteria for speedy deletion. Administrators will deny requests that do not fulfill the criteria.

For pages that need deletion, edit the page and add the appropriate speedy deletion template (depending on which of the speedy deletion criteria the page satisfies) to the top. For a full list, see Speedy deletion templates. If you wish to explain the reason for the request in detail, add {{deletebecause|Reason for deletion}} or {{db|Reason for deletion}}. You should not wipe out the contents as it helps to check the contents to be deleted without having to look at the page history.

For articles that do not meet the criteria for speedy deletion, please use Wikipedia:Proposed deletion (for deletions likely to meet no opposition) or Wikipedia:Articles for deletion (for potentially controversial deletions). If a page is already listed in Articles for Deletion or a candidate for proposed deletion, do not tag it for speedy deletion unless it clearly satisfies the speedy deletion criteria.

Appealing speedy deletions

If you object to, and wish to appeal any administrator's deletion of a page because it was based on the speedy deletion criteria, leave a polite notice on their user talk page. If they refuse to restore the page, you may list the page for deletion review. (You can find out who deleted a page by editing the deleted page, then selecting the "deletion log" link.)

very racist