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Hi I am Keesara Venkata Murali Krishna Reddy.

Please find some good articles related to Java, J2EE, Linux, Apache Commons, iSeries/AS400 systems etc....

All API Links

  • Commons
 * Commons Configuration

 * Commons IO

 * Commons Collections

 * Commmons DbUtils

 * Commons Digester 1.7

 * Commmons FileUpload 1.2

 * Commons JXPath 1.3

 * Commons Logging 1.1

  • Hiberante
 * Hibernate 3.2.2

 * Hibernate EJB 3.0 Persistence

 * Hibernate EntityManager

  • Java
 * Java 1.5

 * J2EE 1.5

 * Java Mail

 * JSF 1.2

 * JSF Standard HTML RenderKit

 * JSF All Functions

  • JBoss
 * JBoss 4.0.4 Index

 * JBoss T/X Mgmt JTA 4.2.3

 * JBoss T/X Mgmt JTS 4.2.3

  • Spring
 * Spring 1.0.0

 * Spring 1.1.0

 * Spring 1.2.0

 * Spring 2.0.0

 * Spring 2.5.0

  • Struts
 * Struts 1.1

 * Struts 1.3.5

 * Struts 1.3.8

 * Struts 1.3.9

 * Struts Core 2.0

Technical Articles, Code Base Examples, FAQ's, Solutions and Technical References


Ant Home

ANT Manual

ANt BestPractices


Testing with(out) aspects

The problem with proxy-based AOP frameworks


Sharpen up your DbUnit testing


Groovy Home

Groovy User Guide

Using Groovy to Send Emails

Groovy Tutorial PDF Presentation

Combining Groovy and Java


Hibernate Home

Hibernate Team Blog

Data Validation in Hibernate

Advanced Hibernate, Maps Part 1: Complex Associations

Advanced Hibernate, Maps Part 2: Query by Lazy Map

Hibernate component (value object) inheritance mapping

Mapping MultiMaps with Hibernate

Partitioning in Hibernate

Hibernate Collection-Mapping Collection

Hibernate Session Management


Calling a Program Using the iSeries Toolbox for Java

Java400 FAQ Home Page

How to start JBoss on iSeries/AS400

Instructions on Installing JBoss on AS/400

Debugging iSeries Java Applications Remotely

A Java Developer's First Deployment on the iSeries

Tune Java program performance with IBM Developer Kit for Java

The Java-Based iSeries System Debugger

AS400/iSeries SQLSTATE Messages

AS400/iSeries SQLCODE


Core Java

JavaSE 6 Docs Home

Top Java SE 6 Features

Anonymous Inner Classes

Adding Descriptors to MBeans in Tiger

Measuring the size of your objects reloaded

Understanding Weak References

New Features and Enhancements J2SE 5.0

Scanning Text With java.util.Scanner

Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 6 API Specification

JavaTM Platform, Standard Edition 6 Overview

Please close the resource behind you

Model your attributed sets as maps


How to use the @ConstructorProperties annotation

Finite State Machine with Annotations

Using annotation processors to save method parameter names


JDBC 4.0 Enhancements in Java SE 6


Getting Started with Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Introduction to JMX Technology

JMX Architecture

JMX API Enhancements in Mustang

Accessing MBeans Through Jini Serrvice

Creating Custom Load-Balancing Schemes using MBeans

Introduction to JMXRemote

Defining MBeans with annotationsDefining MBeans with annotationsDefining MBeans with annotations

Custom types for MXBeans

Can XML capture the Dependency Injection pattern ?

Cleaning up an MBean when its resource dies

What is an MXBean?

Mustang Beta and the JMX API

Inter-MXBean references

Creating type-safe MBean proxies

Unit testing remote access to JMX MBeans

MXBeans in Java SE 6: Bundling Values Without Special JMX Client Configurations

A real example of a Dynamic MBean

JMX : extending the MBeanServer to support Virtual MBeans

Making a JMX connection with a timeout

When can JMX notifications be lost?

Build your own interface - dynamic code generation

JMX and WebSphere Application Server 5


Creating a Thread Pool with Java

Thread pools and work queues

When A Synchronized Class Isn’t Threadsafe

Advanced Synchronization in Java Threads

Thread: Implement dependencies to make development easier

Pooling Threads to Execute Short Tasks


Cloning Java objects using serialization

Disassembling serialized Java objects


Reading a File into a Byte Array

Queues and Delayed Processing


Generating an XML Document with JAXB


Code: The Java Developers Almanac 1.4


Dynamic Proxies

Links: Javamug Java Links

Java Performance Tuning

Dozer Mapping

Leaking Memory in Java

Transformation Proxies


New Features in EJB 3.1

Using Quartz Enterprise Scheduler in J2EE

Defrosting Stateless Session Beans with MBean Singletons

Exception Management in J2EE

EJB 3.0 Part1

EJB 3.0 Part2

Asynchronous Logging

Concurrent Processing with MDB's

Transaction adn Redelivery in JMS

Memory leaks in Java

Dependency Injection in Java EE 5.0

EJB3 Java Persistence API

Messaging apps with Temporary Queues

Exception Handling in J2EE

J2EE Applications in Clustered Environment

Solving Common JavaEE Performance Problems

Message Driven Beans Tutorial

Links: Javamug J2EE Links

J2EE Design Decisions

Servlet and JSP performance tuning

EJAPP Top 10 countdown wrap-up

Java Mail

Fundamentals of the JavaMail API


JMeter UserManual



JBoss ClassLoading WIKI

JBoss Enterprise Middleware Documentation

JBoss Webinars

JBoss Articles and WhitePapaers


Display MemoryPool Usage in JBossAS


Dynamic MDB pool topic in JIRA

Dynamic MDB pool topic in Forms



JBoss Clustring

J2EE Clustring with JBoss


Forms: invalid stream header

JBoss Cache

JBoss Messaging

JBoss Messaging Home

JBoss Messaging Developement WIKI

JBoss Transactions

JBoss Transactions Home

JBoss Transactions WIKI

JTA and JTS Transactions(refers to Total-e-Transactions, a previous name for the JBoss Transaction Service).


JGroups Home

JGroups Papers and Articles


Directory Poller user manual


JUnit Basics


Java Objects Queries using JXPath

Java Object Querying Using JXPath

JXPath to rescue

Java Object Querying Using JXPath


Linux-Windows file access

Synchronizing Linux

Share NFS Expoort/share directory to other Unix/Linux system

Managing Samba: Windows network identity basics

The Official Samba 3.2.x HOWTO and Reference Guide

Book: Using Samba

Java Performance