List of French words of Persian origin

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Words of French origin in the Persian language:

French Persian English
abat-jour ābājoor lampshade
abonnement ābonémān subscription
acide asid acid
acteur āktor actor
adjudant ājoodān warrant officer
agence āzhans agency
alliage āliāzh alloy
ambulance āmbulāns ambulance
ampoule āmpool used to refer to syringe in Persian, French word means bulb
ananas ānānās pineapple
anormal ānormāl abnormal
antenne ānten antenna
appliqué āpliké applique
ascenseur āsānsor elevator
autobus otobus bus
automobile otomobil car
Austriche ostrish Austria
avantage āvāntāzh advantage
bal masqué bāl maské masquerade ball
banque bānk bank
bâton bāton stick
benzine benzin gasoline
béton armé bétonārmé reinforced concrete
bifteck biftek steak
bigoudi bigoodi hair curler
billet billit ticket
blouse boolooz shirt
bombe bomb bomb
boulevard boolevār boulevard
bourse burs grant
bottine pootin boot
boxeur boksor boxer
boycottage bāikot boycott
brancard brānkār stretcher
bronzé bronzé tanned
budget boojé budget
cabaret kābāré cabaret
cacao kākāoo cocoa
cadeau kādo gift
cadre kādr staff
café kāfé coffeeshop
candidat kāndidā candidate
caoutchouc kāoochoo rubber
capot kāpoot car hood
capsule kāpsul capsule
carte postal kārt postāl post card
chantage shāntāzh blackmail
charlatan shārlātān charlatan
chauffage shofāzh heater
cheminée shominé chimney
chic shik chic
chimie shimi chemistry
chocolat shokolāt chocolate
cigar sigār cigar
cinéma sinemā cinema
classe klās class
classeur klāsor ring binder
classique klāsik classical
cliché klishé cliché
clinique klinik clinic
collection koleksion collection
comédie komédi comedy
comité komité committee
commissaire komiser superintendent
commode komod chest of drawers
compagnie kompāni company
compresse kompres compress
compteur kontor (electric) meter
conserve konserve canned food
consul ghonsuli consul
contrat kontrāt contract
corset korset corset
courant d'air koorān der draft
cravate krāvāt tie
crème krem cream
curetage koortāzh used to refer to abortion in Persian, French word means curettage
cylindre silandre cylinder
déclamer déklamé to recite
decolleté dékolté low-cut
décoration dékorāsion decoration
démodé démodé out of style
dentelle dāntel lace
dessert deser dessert
dictature diktātori dictator
diplome diplom diploma
discipline disiplin discipline
docteur doktor doctor
douche doosh shower
eau de cologne odu culon cologne
économie ekonomi economy
élastique lāstiki elastic
entr'acte antrākt intermission
flasque flāsk flask
galerie gāleri gallery
gelée zhelé jelly
geste zhest gesture
guichet gishé ticket window
joker joker joker
laque lāk nail polish
luxe luks luxurious
machine māshin used to refer to car in Persian, French word means machine
maillot māyo bathing suit
manteau mānto coat
médaille medāl medal
merci mersi thank you
meuble mobl furniture
milliard milyārd billion
mode mod fashion
moquette moket rug
mosaïque mozāeek mosaic
musée musé museum
olympique olampeek Oylimpic
papillon pāpiyon used to refer to bow tie in Persian, French word means butterfly
parlement pārlémān parliament
physique fizik physics
plastique plāstik plastic
poudre poodr powder
prise priz socket
punaise poonez thumb tack
refuser rofuzé failed
régime regime diet
rimmel (trademark) rimel mascara
robe de chambre rob de shāmbr nightgown
rouge (à lèvres) roozh used to refer to cheek blush in Persian, French word means lipstick
sac sāk bag
scandale skāndāl scandal
séchoir seshooār dryer
sénat senā senate
seringue sorang syringe
siphon sifon syphon
soupe soop soup
soutien-gorge sootian bra
sujet soozhé topic
symbole sambol symbol
syncope sankop used to refer to heart attack in Persian, French word means blackout
système sistem system
tableau tāblo painting
thèse tez thesis
timbre tambr postage stamp
toilette tooālet toilet
vaccin vāksan vaccine
virage virāzh bend
virgule virgul comma

See also


  • Petit Larousse in Persian, edited by Hedayat Alah Ghatan, 1967.
  • Collins French English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2005.