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Edy Korthals Altes

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Edy Korthals Altes, a former Dutch diplomat, resigned in 1986 from his post as Ambassador in Madrid in connection with his public stand on the arms race. Since then he has been actively engaged in: Peace and Security, Economics, Inter-religious cooperation, and the Spiritual renewal of Europe. In books and articles he is pleading for a new comprehensive concept of peace and security, which is taking into account the development of an apocalyptic potential of modern arms in an interdependent, highly vulnerable world. Unfortunately most governments still cling to the outdated classic concept: ”If you want peace, prepare for war”. This is leading to an excessive process of militarization and an absurd priority given to military expenditures, while major world-problems are receiving too little attention. A unique sequence of European posts -Paris, Bonn, Rome, Brussels, Warsaw, The Hague and Madrid - stimulated his interest in European affairs. His book: “Heart and soul for Europe”, gives special attention to the need for a spiritual renewal of Europe. Already during his studies at the Rotterdam School of Economics he developed - as a Protestant Christian - a keen interest in the relation between faith and society; science and religion.


Born: 1924 , Vught, Netherlands. Married in1950 with Deetje Meijer, 4 children and 11 grandchildren. Studies at Rotterdam School of Economics

Career in Foreign Service from: 1951-1986. Served in New York; Colombo; Paris (Economic Committee of the OEEC); The Hague; Bonn (‘62-’67) CounsellorPress/Cultural Affairs; Rome (’67-’70) Counsellor Economic Affairs; Djakarta (’70- ’72) Minister Plenipotentiary-Deputy Head of Mission; Brussels (’73- ’77) Deputy Permanent Representative European Communities; Warsaw (’77-’80) Ambassador; The Hague (‘80-’82) Head of Foreign Service; Madrid (’83- ’86) Ambassador.

Voluntary resignation and honourable discharge in July ’86 in connection with public stand on arms race (in particular Starwars). Since thenactive in Peace and Security, East- West relations, Economic development,Inter-religious cooperation, Spiritual renewal of Europe.

Among the functions since resignation from the Foreign Service in 1986 are: Chairman of the Section International Affairs of the Netherlands Council of Churches; Member Entwicklungs Kammer Evangelische Kirche Deutschland (EKD) Hannover. Vice Chairman Pugwash Netherlands. Co-President World Conference of Religions for Peace(WCRP) New York. Vice-moderator Governing Board,member Executive Committee (1994-1999) Fellow World Academy of Art and Science.

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