Economic Research Institute of the State Planning Commission

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The Economic Research Institute of the State Planning Commission (ÖFI) was the scientific organ of the State Planning Commission (SPK). The institution was commissioned to solve economic research tasks for the further development of national economic planning in important areas.


Its task was to support the SPK in its work in accordance with its requirements with practical research results and to create scientific lead for further perfecting the planning. As a result of content-based and analytical research on economic problems selected through theoretical investigations, proposals for economic policy and planning methodology are derived and submitted to the SPK. Often the suggestions are supported by experiments or transition work. The ÖFI contributed through the further qualification of the national economic planning according to the requirements for the further shaping of the developed socialist society to support the proven policy of the main task set by the party of the working class in its unity of economic and social policy and to the intensification of the national economy as Helping the economy push through key problem.

organization structure

The research profile of the ÖFI includes in particular the following complexes:

  • Planning and measuring the effectiveness of social production through complex mastery of intensifying factors
  • Planning the relationships between individual and social consumption
  • Qualification of long-term, five-year and annual planning
  • Linking planning and financial accounting
  • Planning of measures for socialist economic integration
  • Application and further development of the natural value integration balance in the work process of the SPK
  • Planning of the economic agro-industrial complex

The ÖFI worked closely with the departments of the SPK as well as with business management bodies, combines and companies in order to use their practical experience and knowledge, to advise and test proposed changes. As a result of the research work, the institute transfers practical research results to the management of the SPK or certain departments and helps with their practical implementation. As part of the economics of the GDR, the ÖFI, through the Scientific Council, is responsible for questions of perfecting planning and financial accounting for research in these areas. To solve the tasks, the ÖFI developed a close scientific collaboration with partner institutes in the USSR and other socialist countries.


  • Economic Lexicon H - P; 3., rework. Edition Verlag DieWirtschaft Berlin; Editorial deadline August 1978; p. 631f.