Austrian fishing pigeon

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The Austrian fishing pigeon is a young breed of colored pigeons , which was bred more than a hundred years ago in Flachgau (Salzburg area) and the neighboring Upper Austria .

The Austrian fishing pigeon has a normal field pigeon figure . Their feet are feathered ( smooth-footed ). The basic color of the plumage is white. The tail and head plate are colored, the boundary line on the head runs from the corner of the beak through the eyes to the white clam hood , a plumage that arches around the back of the head. This dome drawing is unique for colored pigeons . They are recognized in the colors black, red and yellow. According to Schütte, there are also blue ones.

Literature and evidence

  1. a b c Joachim Schütte, Günter Stach, Josef Wolters: Handbook of the pigeon races . Josef Wolters, Bottrop 1994, ISBN 3-9801504-4-5 , Österreichische Fischertaube, p. 237 .
  2. a b RÖK breed standard: Austrian fishing pigeon (PDF file, as of 2006)