Austrian Travel Association

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The Österreichische ReiseVerband (ÖRV) is an interest group of Austrian travel agencies and tour operators. It is organized as an association (ZVR: 175435758).


The association maintains contacts with political bodies as well as service providers in the tourism sector and is involved in the field of sustainable tourism. The ÖRV acts as a contact for international associations and the European committees in Brussels. He wants to make the public and the political environment aware of the importance of the travel industry as an economic factor. The ÖRV sees itself as a platform for the exchange of ideas between the members and for the development of future-oriented industry solutions.


The ÖRV is headed by a 4-person presidium and a further 7 board members and 3 substitute members.

Surname company function
Josef Peterleithner TUI Austria Holding GmbH president
Gunter Hölbl

Travel agency Kuoni GmbH



Gerhard Aigner Verkehrsbüro Business Travel GmbH Cashier
Ulrike Soukop Costa cruises Secretary


The following committees exist:

  • Flight committee
  • Incoming Committee
  • Cruise committee
  • Tourism Committee
  • Organizer Committee


According to its own information, the ÖRV has 468 travel agency branches and 96 institutions and companies from all areas of tourism as members. Around 80% of the total sales of all Austrian travel agencies and tour operators should be generated by member companies of the ÖRV.

  • Ordinary members: travel agencies and tour operators
  • Associate members: hotels, airlines, car rental companies, shipping companies, GDS companies, travel insurers, tourist offices, railways, travel companies abroad.

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