Transitional half group

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In the theory of stochastic processes , the temporal change behavior of Markov processes is described by maps (with time parameters ) that form a so-called transition half-group , more precisely a half-group homomorphism . The change in the time interval can be broken down into the change during and the change during ( denote the sequential execution .)


In the case of processes that are homogeneous over time, the change is independent of and only depends on the length of the interval. The notation has the following property:


The composition of such images describing the change during time is therefore compatible with the addition of the time parameter. In other words, is a semigroup homomorphism between the semigroup formed by the time parameter and the addition operation and the semigroup ( transformation semigroup ).

In an abbreviated way of speaking, one speaks simply of a semigroup and describes the transition semigroup formed by the transition nuclei of a time-homogeneous Markov process. The compatibility of the addition in the time parameter and the sequential execution of nuclei is described by the Chapman-Kolmogorow equations . In this way, the definition of the transition semigroup makes it possible to apply the findings of semigroup theory to Markov processes.

Mathematical definition (in continuous time)

Be a temporally homogeneous Markov process in continuous time on a state space . Let the underlying probability space be and denote the expected value with respect to .

For all be and defined accordingly .

Be the transition cores . Then applies

With the Markov property the following Chapman-Kolmogorow equation then applies

which are briefly summarized in operator notation as

They thus form a semi-group , which is referred to as a transition semi-group . Nothing is said about the topological properties of , therefore additional requirements are usually made on the Markov process, so that in a certain respect is continuous - for example in the case of the Feller processes , where a strongly continuous semigroup represents on .


  • Sören Asmussen: Applied Probability and Queues. 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, New-York 2003, ISBN 0387002111


  1. ^ Asmussen, page 33