Overland Kraftpost Haifa – Baghdad

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The Haifa – Baghdad overland power post operated once a week (every Thursday) from Haifa via Damascus to Baghdad in the 1920s . Her mail was promoted regularly, the railway post Munich-Kufstein on the routes Munich-Rosenheim railway and railway line Rosenheim-Kufstein border despatched every Thursday for Baghdad. The journey from Munich to Baghdad took nine to ten days in the mid-1920s. Ordinary and registered letters to Mesopotamia and some places in southwestern Persia were included in the letter mail to be carried with the overland motorized mail, if they bore the striking note “By overland Mail Haifa – Baghdad” and if in addition to the usual fee, the fixed fee for these mailings special surcharge in postage stamps was offset on them. In the weeks when the Cairo – Baghdad airmail was not operating, the overland motorized mail saved such time compared to airmail that the shipments reached Baghdad about five days earlier than the next airmail. In the other weeks, the airmail offered a time gain of around two days compared to the overland motorized mail.


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Concise dictionary of the postal system; 1st edition; P. 322

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