
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A gateway is a technical device that connects two communication systems. As a rule, there is a connection between a radio and a telephone network (radio-wire connection or connection). Transition facilities of the BOS are usually operated in control centers or telecommunication centers. The connection between 2-m and 4-m BOS radio is sometimes referred to by the term, although this is correctly a connection between two radio communication circuits by means of a relay station circuit RS 2 (large relay station) and an additional relay stationacts. The transition point from a wire network ( field cable construction ) to mobile radio networks can also be referred to as a transfer device in the BOS area, see mobile radio gateway .

The use of transfer devices is no longer of great importance today due to mobile radio. For the non-police BOS area, strict regulations apply to the approval of transition facilities between (BOS) radio and wire.
