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-ical is a suffix used to derive nouns ( musical , grusical , crime ) that are used to characterize stage plays. If a piece is called an erotic , it is implied that the erotic / sexual plays a special role in it. Duden. German Universal Dictionary (2001) ascribes the -ical derivatives to the nuance of meaning "mostly mocking". The starting point for these words is the borrowing of musical from English.

Borrowing and Spreading

Alan Kirkness dealt with the borrowing and expansion of the -ical words in German in 2001; he used the Anglicism Dictionary (Carstensen & Busse 1993–1996) as a data basis , in which the individual documents are listed with the date. The development then begins in 1956 with the borrowing of musicals , followed by the next in 1960 grusicals . This word is no longer a borrowing from English, but a hybrid of the German horror / creepy and the suffix -ical . Kirkness does not portray the further expansion as a sequence of borrowings, but rather as new formations that were derived from the German language community itself. With over 80 listed words in the few decades since the 1950s, -ical has proven to be a very productive word formation morpheme , even if not all formations have become commonplace in the common vocabulary . The development of -ical formations is subject to the Language Change Act (also known as Piotrowski's law in linguistics ), as Karl-Heinz Best demonstrated in 2002.


  • Karl-Heinz Best: The growth of the words on -ical in German . In: Glottometrics 2, 2002, 11–16 (PDF full text ).
  • Broder Carstensen & Ulrich Busse: Dictionary of Anglicisms. The influence of English on German vocabulary since 1945. 3 volumes. Founded by Broder Carstensen, continued by Ulrich Busse. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1993–1996.
  • Duden. German universal dictionary. 4th, revised and expanded edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim / Leipzig / Vienna / Zurich 2001. ISBN 3-411-05504-9
  • Alan Kirkness: Anglicisms, Borrowings and Pseudo-Borrowings in German: -ical Revisited. In: Proper Words and Proper Places. Studies in Lexicology and Lexicography in Honor of William Jervis Jones. Edited by Máire C. Davies, John L. Flood, and David N. Yeandle. Heinz, Stuttgart 2001, pp. 320–333. ISBN 3-88099-405-6