Aachen quality management model

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The Aachen quality management model is a framework for all quality-oriented activities of a company developed at the chair for production metrology and quality management of the WZL machine tool laboratory at RWTH Aachen University .

It assigns the previously isolated quality management tasks to a holistic corporate management concept. The model is based on the entrepreneurial understanding of quality , which extends the traditional definition of quality that is limited to product and process.


The three core elements of the model are management, the quality stream (quality-oriented value streams) as well as resources and services. They form the frame of reference for the operational implementation of quality management.


In the management dimension, the focus is on the design of the organizational structures and the establishment of a management system to support the process organization. This takes place in the field of tension that spans between the values ​​and identity of a company and the goals and strategies derived from them.

Quality Stream

The quality stream forms the central core element of the model. It bundles the entirety of all directly quality-creating activities and quality contributions, which transform the demands made by the customer into inspiring products or services. It is oriented towards the market based on the market through the company. The two structural elements of the Quality Stream are the Quality Forward Chains and the Quality Backward Chain.

Quality forward chain

The Quality Forward Chain comprises all activities, tools and methods for the preventive and reactive design of the quality of a material or immaterial service and the directly quality-creating processes that are necessary for its provision and which are connected with a product or a product group. The phases of the Quality Forward Chain are determined in terms of time and content by the different stages of the respective product life cycle.

Quality backward chain

The Quality Backward Chain contains backward-looking, quality-oriented content, primarily through knowledge of evaluations of the products or services sold on the market. The control loops between the Quality Forward Chains and the Quality Backward Chain supplement the model with elements of continuous improvement. In this way, the model includes the possibility of information feedback into neighboring or future product generations as well as into the associated development processes.

Resources and services

Resources and services form the third core element of the Aachen quality management model. They are absolutely necessary to achieve the company's goals and form the basis that the quality stream needs to implement. This includes the employees as a central element, around whom the other elements of equipment and infrastructure, communication and information technology, the mastered technologies and methods and financial resources are arranged.


The model adopts three perspectives with which various aspects and challenges in a company can be considered and addressed.

Customer perspective

The customer perspective with the focus on product quality supports the transformation of customer requirements into inspiring products. In the Aachen quality management model, this transformation from input variables to output variables of the company (customers / suppliers as well as products / field data) is mapped by the quality stream. Continuous measurement and adaptation of the transformation ensures that the “voice of the customer” is implemented accordingly.

Leadership perspective

The management perspective describes the comparison of the company's orientation and the company's ability. It focuses on the system quality and considers the active and responsible design of the framework conditions for the company with a reflective focus on the quality stream processes. The management perspective thus includes the normative and strategic orientation of the company and is responsible for ensuring the definition, structure and integration of methodological and organizational skills.

Operational perspective

The operational perspective focuses on the execution and internal improvement of business processes within the key figures specified and derived from the management perspective. The focus of the improvement process is the development of the process quality in order to bring the necessary resources and requirements in line with the operational requirements.

Differentiation and similarities to other management models

The Aachen quality management model was developed from the knowledge that existing approaches such as B. DIN EN ISO 9000ff , EFQM model , lean management or Six Sigma only partially meet the requirements of a holistic, creative approach in the sense of an entrepreneurial understanding of quality, as they only provide indirect information on the design for the management of quality. The Aachen quality management model consciously picks up on established and successful aspects and elements of existing (quality) management models. In particular, the idea of ​​continuous improvement of the Deming cycle, the requirements of a process-oriented approach to the ISO 9000 series and the perspective consideration of internal and external influencing factors of the St. Gallen management model are taken into account.

Software implementation

The RWTH Aachen spin-off model Aachen GmbH offers with the open source software Q.wiki a wiki-based tool for management system documentation, which is used to record business processes. In 2016, Modell Aachen GmbH took 17th place in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award. The auditing company Deloitte awards this award to the fastest growing technology companies in Germany every year.


  • R. Schmitt, T. Pfeifer: Quality management - strategies-method-techniques. 4th edition. Hanser Verlag, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-446-40752-7 .
  • J. Lunze: Control engineering 1 - system theory basics, analysis and design of single-loop controls. 7th edition. Springer, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-68907-2 .
  • N. Wiener: Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. 2nd Edition. The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts 1965.
  • R. Dubs, D. Euler, J. Rüegg-Stürm , C. Wyss: Introduction to management theory. 2nd Edition. Haupt, Bern 2004, ISBN 3-258-07528-X .
  • H.-D. Seghezzi, F. Fahrni, F. Herrmann: Integrated Quality Management - The St. Gallen Approach. 3. Edition. Hanser, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-446-40622-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tilo Pfeifer, Robert Schmitt (Ed.): Masing Handbook Quality Management . 5th edition. Carl Hanser, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-446-40752-7 , pp. 40 ff .
  2. Thomann, Hermann J.,: The quality management consultant: process-oriented quality management in operational practice . TÜV Media, 2016, ISBN 978-3-7406-0000-6 .
  3. Honor for Modell Aachen GmbH. Retrieved February 25, 2017 .