Abalphat from Isfahan

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Abalphat from Isfahan , actually Abu-l-Fath Mahmud ibn Mohammed ibn Qasim ibn Fadl al-Isfahani ( Persian أبو الفتح محمود ابن محمد ابن قاسم ابن فضل الاسفهاني), also Abalphatus Asphahanensis , was a Persian mathematician who was particularly concerned with geometry and who lived in the second half of the 10th century. A copy of the created by Him Arab editing of the books of Apollonius of Perge on conic sections ( Konika ) which Cardinal Ferdinando I de 'Medici by the Patriarch of Antioch Ignatius Nemet Allah I should have received was in 1661 in Florence by Abraham Ecchellensis and Giovanni Alfonso Borelli published. This was the first time that Books 5–7 of Apollonius, which were still unknown in Europe, were found .