Waste type catalog

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The so-called European Waste Catalog (EWC) is a directory of the European Commission in which the waste categorized for use in the European Union is assigned a 6-digit waste code . The classification is regularly based on the origin or the composition of the waste and its hazardous properties and is used for the harmonized declaration in the internal market in waste management and its police monitoring for use in accompanying notes, certificates or operating permits for waste disposal plants. An asterisk * after the waste code indicates hazardous waste (previously waste requiring special monitoring or previously also called hazardous waste ). In Chapter 20 (municipal waste) in group 20 01 (separately collected fractions) the key 20 01 02 is for glass, the (more special, therefore priority) key 20 01 21 * is for fluorescent tubes and other waste containing mercury. The member states had to implement the names of the directory by January 1, 2002 at the latest.


In Germany, the European Waste Catalog was implemented by the Waste Catalog Ordinance (AVV), see there.


In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law Gazette I No. 102/2002 as amended by the Waste Management Act 2002 - AWG 2002

The Waste Catalog Ordinance, Federal Law Gazette II No. 570/2003 in the version of Federal Law Gazette II No. 89/2005, came into force on January 1, 2004. This was the first time that a uniform waste directory for hazardous and non-hazardous waste was standardized.

It is essential, however, that until December 31, 2008, Annex 5 of the Ordinance in conjunction with ÖNORM S 2100 "Waste Catalog", as of September 1, 1997, changed on January 1, 1998, must be used for records, accompanying notes, permits, etc. . The list of waste in Annex 2 of the Waste Catalog Ordinance, including the relevant allocation criteria in accordance with Annex 1. The old waste code numbers from S2100 are still valid to date (2012), the 6-digit waste codes of the European Waste Catalog are not yet valid valid only.

The assessment ordinance, in which hazardous waste was previously listed, is therefore no longer applicable for waste categorization. The hazardous properties are now listed in Appendix 3. They essentially correspond to the danger symbols according to the Chemicals Act (explosive, oxidising, toxic, etc.). There is still no classification according to CLP.

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Individual evidence

  1. Decision of the Commission of 3 May 2000 to replace Decision 94/3 / EC on a list of waste in accordance with Article 1 (a) of Council Directive 75/442 / EEC on waste and Council Decision 94/904 / EC on a list hazardous waste as defined in Article 1 (2015 consolidated version); List and instructions for evaluation as "dangerous substance" in the appendix; on the implementation period Art. 4