Abstract Window Toolkit

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AWT elements on GNU / Linux using the Athena widget set

The Abstract Window Toolkit ( AWT ) is a GUI toolkit of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) and represents a standard API for generating and displaying a platform-independent graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programs.

AWT represents the so-called heavyweight framework for displaying control elements . This means that AWT uses the native GUI components of the respective operating system for display. These native GUI components are called peers (English for "partner"). Heavyweight so heavy overweight, hot these components because some extensive operating system resources may be associated with them.

Swing for platform-independent lightweight surfaces and SWT are also available as platform-independent heavyweight surfaces as serious alternatives .


  • 1.0.x
  • 1.1.x - Included from JDK 1.1

Version 1.1.x, for example, offers much easier handling of listeners . Version 1.0.x no longer plays a role in practice and is only used for reasons of compatibility.

Web links

Commons : AWT  - album with pictures, videos and audio files
Wikibooks: Java Standard: Graphic interfaces  - learning and teaching materials