Accorso da Reggio

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Accorso da Reggio , Latin Accursius de Regio , (* before 1250 in Reggio nell'Emilia , † after 1279) was an Italian jurist who can be traced back to 1263 to 1279.

Live and act

Little is known about the career and life of Alberto d'Accorso's son. What is certain is that he was a student of Omobono Morisio and already held the title of doctor legum in 1263 . He was assessor of the Podestà Manfredo Lupi di Cànolo, a compatriot, in Florence , then Ghibelline, and from 1265 to 1277 he taught in Reggio nell'Emilia before he finally moved to Padua . The last news about Accorso from March 1279 is the sale of his house in Reggio to the commune, which then had the palace built there for the Capitano del Popolo .

There is great uncertainty about the attribution of scriptures; only the Summula de cessionibus actionum is certain , from which indications of the possible existence of lessons on the corpus iuris and a Summa de iure iurando calumniae have emerged. Some of his quaestiones are mentioned by Albertus Gandinus in his De maleficiis (rubr. De bannitis pro maleficio , n. 18 [20]).


  • Notabilia legum , 13th century, in the manuscript Mss. Vari G. 55 , ff. 1r-70v, the Biblioteca Municipale A. Panizzi in Reggio Emilia.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Piero Fiorelli:  Accorso da Reggio. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI).